Page 8 - The Club at Crested Butte June Newsletter
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Mind & Social
Natural Movement Workshop
Wednesday, June 29 / 12pm-1pm OUTDOOR PURSUITS
Yoga & Bubbles
Thursday, July 14 / 12pm – 2pm
This activity needs no explanation. Come get in a good stretch and then Group Mountain Bike Rides
enjoy sparkling wine.
Pilates & Brunch Thursday, June 23 / 4:30 pm
Tuesday, August 19 / 12pm – 2pm Trail: Lupine
Our Pilates team will take you through an introductory session teaching Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
the benefits of Pilates followed by a healthy brunch offering from our Meeting Location – Rainbow Park Shelter
culinary team.
Thursday, July 14 / 4:30pm
Meditation Mondays
Monday, June 13 , July 25 , and August 8 / 10am – 11am Trail: Brush Creek
Studies have shown meditation can positively impact mental and physical Skill Level: Beginner
health whether it is reducing stress, improving sleep, increasing focus, and Meeting Location – Brush Creek Trailhead
improving relationships.
Thursday, August 18 / 4:30pm
Golf Injury Prevention Trail: Lower Loop to Gunsight Bridge
Wednesday, June 22 , and July 13 / 3pm – 4pm Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Tim Poppe, Physical Therapist and Owner of Crested Butte Physiotherapy Meeting Location – Peanut Lake Trailhead
will be hosting seminars on golf specific injury prevention.
Individual & Group Training Hiking & Wildflowers
Friday, June 17 / 9am
The Club at Crested Butte Pilates Studio Trail: Caves/ Walrod
At The Club Pilates Studio, we strive to bring you a personal and Skill Level: Intermediate
comfortable experience while learning these amazing methods of body Meeting Location – Caves Trailhead on Cement
conditioning. You will feel rejuvenated and more aware of your body, as Creek
well as feeling stronger, taller, leaner and more flexible. We welcome all
ages and fitness levels and ensure the highest quality of service.
Friday, July 22 / 9am
Escape To Our Studio To Nourish Your Mind & Body Trail: Brush Creek
Skill Level: Beginner
Instructors: Meeting Location – Brush Creek Trailhead
Jasey Faulkner /
Ashley Jackson /
Jill Voyles / Friday, August 12 / 9am
Trail: Whetstone Vista
Personal Training Skill Level: Intermediate
Everyone is different when it comes to abilities and needs when it comes Meeting Location – Whetstone Vista Trailhead on
to personal health. That is why we work with you to create a targeted Brush Creek
workout plan based on your fitness needs, goals, and abilities.
We work with you…whether you’re a 6am warrior or a mid afternooner, we
will always be dedicated to creating availability that fits your schedule.
Personal Trainers:
Meagan Donohue /
Katie McFarlane /
Jasey Faulkner /
Ashley Jackson /
Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance
Cleaning Hours
Monday-Friday / 1pm-2pm (Pool Closed)
Saturday-Sunday / 7am-8am (Pool Closed)
8 June 6 - June 19, 2022