Page 7 - The Club at Crested Butte Newsletter August 15-28, 2022
P. 7

Fitness  Tennis &


 Mind & Body                                                             Updated Summer

 Our Pilates team will take you   Tennis & Pickleball Rentals              Clinic Schedule
 through an introductory session
 teaching the benefits of Pilates   Reservations: 14-Days in Advance
 followed by a healthy brunch   Court Fees - Accompanied Guests      $25
 offering from our culinary team.  Racquet Rental                 $10   Monday
        Tennis Ball Machine
 Pilates Instructors:                                                 Cardio Tennis / 9am -10:30am
 Jasey Faulkner / 970.596.8196
 Individual & Group   Ashley Jackson / 620.575.6556  Tennis           Tuesday
 Jill Voyles / 970.456.2237
                                                                      Intro to Pickleball / 9am -10:30am
 Training  Head Tennis Professional |Miller Hales                     Round Robin Pickleball / 10:30am -11:30am
    Swim Instructor  Contact Miller at 910.274.1699                   Wednesday
 The Club at Crested Butte Pilates   Chloe Brown / 520.247.7022
 Studio  Assistant Tennis Professional | Ashley Huse                  Cardio Tennis / 9am -10:30am
 Personal Training  Contact Ashley at 806.881.4553
 At The Club Pilates Studio, we   Everyone is different when it comes to   Thursday
 strive to bring you a personal and   abilities and needs when it comes to   Private Instruction  Doubles Strategy / 9:30am -11am
 comfortable experience while   personal health.  That is why we work   To make a private or small group instruction for Tennis and   Round Robin Pickleball / 11am - 12pm
        Pickleball contact one of our Tennis Professionals.
 learning these amazing methods   with you to create a targeted workout
 of body conditioning.  You will   plan based on your fitness needs,   (970) 349-8601   Saturday
 feel rejuvenated and more aware   goals, and abilities.              Cardio Tennis / 9am -10:30am
 of your body, as well as feeling   We work with you…whether you’re a   Pickleball
 stronger, taller, leaner and more   6am warrior or a mid afternooner, we
 flexible.  We welcome all ages and   will always be dedicated to creating   So, what makes this silly-named sport so popular?
 availability that fits your schedule.
 fitness levels and ensure the highest
 quality of service.  Personal Trainers:  Three reasons: First, it’s EASY; using a paddle to hit a ball
 Meagan Donohue / 970.349.8608  back and forth is as basic as it gets. Next, it’s HEALTHY;
 Escape To Our Studio To Nourish   Katie McFarlane / 303.949.0231  pickleball can be a terrific aerobic workout, particularly
 Your Mind & Body  when playing with people of similar skills (which is how we
        do it around here). Third, it’s FUN; with a playing court just
        a fraction of the size of a tennis court and with play being
        almost exclusively doubles-type format, friendly social
        interaction and banter is as much a part of the game as
 Pool & Hot Tub Maintenance  anything else.

 Cleaning Hours
 Monday-Friday / 1pm-2pm (Pool Closed)
 Saturday-Sunday / 7am-8am (Pool Closed)

 *Please remember anyone under the age of
 16 is not permitted in the fitness area.

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