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Materi Pembelajaan : Chapter I (Exploring Fauna of Indonesia)
Tujuan Pembelajaran : peserta didik dapat menentukan isi daripada teks berjudul “Bekantan”.
Bekantan is a reddish-brown monkey with a long and big nose. Bekantan is
quite big. Its weight is about 6-22 kilograms and its height is around 55 to 76
cm. Its tail is almost as long as its body . Bekantan is Proboscis monkey. It
means a long-nosed monkey. And its scientiic name is Nasalis larvatus.
Bekantans are from Borneo, South Kalimantan.They live in mangrove trees,
they like spending most of their time in trees. Bekantans are grouped as arboreal
animals. Animal is that eat, sleep, and play in trees. They move with their limbs
(hands and (foot / feet). Bekantans also known as a good swimmer because they
have a skin membrane on their feet and hands like (fox / frogs). And also
becouse they live in the mongove that near with the sea.They eat leaves , seeds,
fruits ,crabs, mosquitos, termits, and larvae.
Read the text above and answer the questions below!
1. What is the text about?
2. What kind of monkey is Bekantan?
3. Why are Bekantans called proboscis monkey?
4. What make Bekantans can swim?
5. Why are Bekantans called as arboreal animals?
Jawaban LKPD 1 :
1. The text is about Bekantan characteristics, habitat, food, and behavior.
2. Bekantans are reddish-brown monkey with a long and big nose.
3. Because it is a monkey that has long nose.
4. Because they have a skin membrane on their feet and hands like (fox /
5. Because they eat, sleep, and play in trees.