Page 27 - Sunmark Seeds 2015-2016 Catalog
P. 27

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Sports Turf combines Kentucky bluegrasses with perennial ryegrasses, creating a unique combination of some of the best individual turf seeds available. This mix will meet the high demands of performance and appearance on the most elite athletic fields. Its durability, disease and drought resistance, rich color, and low maintenance requirements make Sports Turf the top choice among turf professionals.
6 lbs per 1000 sq ft 50 lb bag
% by wt
`Botanical Name
Poa pratensis var Crest*
Poa pratensis var Armada*
Poa pratensis var Quantum Leap* Lolium perenne var Cutter II* Lolium perenne var Dasher 3*
Common Name
Crest Kentucky Bluegrass
Armada Kentucky Bluegrass
Quantum Leap Kentucky Bluegrass 20% Cutter II Perennial Ryegrass 15% Dasher 3 Perennial Ryegrass 15%
25% 25%
Sun is a full sun turf mix that can tolerate some filtered shade throughout the day. Typical fertilizer requirements will be lower than 100% perennial ryegrass blends. Lower water requriements are also typical with this mixture. Sun is a very dark green mixture that is popular in home lawns, commercial lawns, parks, and golf courses.
8 lbs per 1000 sq ft 25 lb bag
Botanical Name
Lolium perenne var Express II*
Lolium perenne var Cutter II*
Festuca rubra var Garne*
Festuca rubra spp fallax var Windward*
Common Name
Express II Perennial Ryegrass Cutter II Perennial Ryegrass Garnet Creeping Red Fescue Windward Chewings Fescue
% by wt
40% 40% 10% 10%
10 lbs per 1000 sq ft 50 lb bag
Team Jr. is a high-ranking 3-way turf-type tall fescue blend designed with slower growth characteristics. These varieties are chosen to produce a blend of maximum genetic diversity and adaptability, which is what helps Team Jr. out-perform all other turf-type tall fescue blends.
Botanical Name Common Name % by wt
Schedonorus arundinacea var Rebel Advance Rebel Advance Turf Type Tall Fescue 34% Schedonorus arundinacea var Rhizing Star Rhizing Star Turf Type Tall Fescue 33% Schedonorus arundinacea var Airlie Airlie Turf Type Tall Fescue 33%
Turfnet is a blend of spreading perennial ryegrasses which are known for great
wear tolerance and high turf quality. This subspecies of tillering perennial ryegrasses is transforming athletic fields across the country. This mix is perfect for over-seed with a strong rhizomatous perennial rye that assures excellent durability and rapid self-healing abilities!
8 lbs per 1000 sq ft 50 lb bag
Botanical Name
Lolium perenne var Fiesta 4* Lolium perenne var Dasher 3* Lolium perenne var Seville 3*
Common Name
Fiesta 4 Spreading Ryegrass Dasher 3 Spreading Ryegrass Seville 3 Spreading Ryegrass
% by wt
34% 33% 33%
TurfWorx is an exceptional, inexpensive, quick-establishment contractor mix. It’s the right choice where quick establishment is required along with high erosion protection. TXR Transitional Annual Ryegrass is a cutting-edge seed, providing quick establishment, superior turf quality, and rapid springtime transition.
10 lbs per 1000 sq ft 50 lb bag
Botanical Name
Lolium multiflorum var TXR Lolium perenne
Festuca rubra
Common Name
TXR Annual Ryegrass Perennial Ryegrass Creeping Red Fescue
% by wt
60% 30% 10%
*Varieties may change at time of blending.
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