Page 29 - Sunmark Seeds 2015-2016 Catalog
P. 29

E/C Dry is specifically formulated for erosion control and habitat building in drier areas. The dominant characteristic of the varieties selected for this mixture is drought tolerance with low maintenance needs. Slender wheatgrass is both drought and cold tolerant, and will perform satisfactorily in poor soils. Establishes easily and provides excellent cover for upland birds and wildlife.
$4.00 per lb
4 lbs per 1000 sq ft
Botanical Name
Elymus trachycaulus Lolium perenne Dactylis glomerata Festuca rubra Festuca ovina Trifolium repens
Common Name
Slender Wheatgrass Perennial Ryegrass Orchardgrass Creeping Red Fescue Sheep Fescue
White Clover
% by wt
20% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10%
E/C Mid is specifically formulated for the transitional areas of emerging wetlands, between the low water mark of the river or stream, and the area partially inundated at high water seasons. This area ranges from fully submerged in the heavy rainfall and runoff seasons to completely dry in the warm season.
$2.55 per lb
5 lbs per 1000 sq ft
Botanical Name
Festuca rubra Schedonorus arundinacea Lolium perenne
Trifolium pratense Agrostis capillaris
Common Name
Creeping Red Fescue Turf Type Tall Fescue Perennial Ryegrass Red Clover
Colonial Bentgrass
% by wt
30% 25% 24% 20%
E/C Wet was specifically formulated as a erosion control grass mixture for the continuously wet and poorly drained soil conditions found west of the Cascade Mountain range. These soil conditions are typically found near swamps and bogs or in flood zones with more than 12 days of continuous water inundation per year.
$4.60 per lb
3 lbs per 1000 sq ft
Botanical Name
Festuca rubra Dactylis golmerta Trifolium fragiferum Trifolium repens Agrostis capillaris
Common Name % by wt
Creeping Red Fescue 45% Orchardgrass 20% Strawberry Clover 18% White Clover 15% Colonial Bentgrass 2%
E/C Phytoremediation was specifically formulated for treatment of environmental problems (bioremediation) through use of plants. This mixture is quick- establishing, with very hardy and large plants. The addition of EcoLiveTM organics will aid in developing the root structure and increase rhizofiltration; (a form of bioremediation that involves filtering water through a mass of roots to remove toxic substances or excess nutrients). Use in bioswales, ditches and water quality swales to sequester and control pollution discharge.
$28.95 per lb
4 lbs per 1000 sq ft
% by wt
Botanical Name
Lolium perenne
Schedonorus arundinacea var fawn Onobrychis viciifolia
Helianthus annuus
Brassica juncea
Lathyrus latifolius
Phleum pratense
EcoLiveTM Organics
Common Name
Perennial Ryegrass
Fawn Tall Fescue
Sainfoin 17% Common Sunflower 15% Brown Mustard 8% Perennial Pea 8% Timothy 2%
30% 20%
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