P. 10

Essential Oils
How many drops are in a bottle?
There are 80-85 drops in a 5mL and 250-300 in a 15mL
How do I store my oils?
Store them in a cool, dark place away from UV light. If your oils arrive from shipping and have been in the sun and are warm, allow them to cool before opening the lid.
Can I drink oils in my water?
Yes. Simply add 1-2 drops of a Vitality oil (the ones with the white labels) to a glass or stainless steel cup. Never use plastic or Styrofoam. You may notice the oil sitting on top of the water, simply stir or lightly shake to disperse.
Vitality vs Regular – What’s the difference?
The only difference is the label – the oils in side are identical. Due to FDA guidelines, Young Living is required to label an oil for internal use OR topical/aromatic, not all three.
What’s the deal with citrus oils and sunlight?
Citrus oils are photosensitive, meaning they amplify the sun’s rays. If you use a citrus oil topically, avoid exposing that area of the skin to long term sun exposure for 12-24 hours.
Can I put my oils in a humidifier?
It’s not recommended. Humidifiers and diffusers do not operate in the same way, and the oils can damage your humidifier. It’s best to use a diffuser that also acts as a humidifier, such as Young Living’s Dew Drop diffuser.
Can I put oils in my bath water?
For the most part, yes. Avoid adding oils into a bath with synthetic chemicals such as bubble bath or bath gels. Always add oils to Epsom salts or baking soda prior to putting in bath water. This will keep them dispersed
instead of just floating at the top. Use mild oils and start with just a
couple drops.
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