Page 27 - UPAAA GRC '21 Souvenir Journal
P. 27
Round Table
E R , UPAAGLA Ethel is the Principal/ Owner of Ethel G.
Rubio, Assoc. AIA, a consul ng firm specializing in construc on manage-
ment and strategic outreach and engagement, and is the co-founder of
a mission-driven design enterprise. Her mul -disciplinary career path
that spans over 30 years includes work in the built-environment
(architecture/engineering/construc on) and nonprofit sectors. Ethel’s
passion for making a difference led her to serve in various leadership
roles in professional, civic and nonprofit organiza ons.
Ethel completed her Cer ficate of Architectural Dra ing in 1986
from UP before emigra ng to the US, and received her Bachelor of Ar-
chitecture degree with an emphasis in Urban and Regional Planning
from the University of Southern California in 1995. Ethel served as the
President of the UPAA of Greater Los Angeles from July 2019 through June 2021. She recently re-
ceived the 2021 UPAA Dis nguished Service Award for an Alumna.
L “A L ” S T , FUPFA
A y Lou is a San Francisco-based immigra on lawyer. She is currently a
partner at Tancinco Law P.C., a full-service law firm providing exper se
in U.S. immigra on ma ers since 1992. She is also the Execu ve Direc-
tor and Vice Chair of the Friends of U.P. Founda on in America
(FUPFA), a U.S-based 501(3) non-profit organiza on established in 1982
to manage and facilitate dona ons by alumni and friends of U.P. for
various projects benefi ng the University in its educa onal mission as
the premier ins tu on of higher learning in the Philippines. A orney
Lou studied at the UP College of Law and graduated with the Bachelor
of Laws (LLB) in 1987 and Bachelor of Arts in Poli cal Science (AB) in