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SAMAHAN Philippine Dance History

              The Samahan Philippine Dance Company was or-           In 1975, Ruby Pearl Chiong joined the Dance
           ganized in July 1974 under the direction of Lolita Diñoso   Company as a dancer, teacher and choreographer.
           Carter, Ph.D. Dr. Carter, a dance instructor at Gross-  Fresh from the Philippines, she brought with her a
           mont College, El Cajon, CA. at that time, volunteered   rich repertoire of dances reflecting her experiences
           her services to organize a performing ensemble as a con-  with the Far Eastern University Dance Troupe and
           tribution to the growing Philippine Community of San   work with several dance companies in Manila. Her
           Diego. Her knowledge of Philippine Dance and Music    knowledge of dances from the mountain provinces
           came naturally from her experiences growing up in the   of Northern Luzon and the Southern Philippines
           Philippines and being involved in all facets of Filipino life   further enriched the Company's repertoire. Ms.
           in a small town including activities of a large extended   Chiong’s experience as assistant student director of
           family, church and its numerous religious observances,   the FEU’s Folk Dance Troupe helped Samahan in
           school programs and community celebrations specially   producing their first formal Philippine dance con-
           town fiestas. Formal education in Philippine Folk Dance   cert at the San Diego City College Theater in 1976.
           at the University of the Philippines and classes with
           Francisca Reyes Aquino, eminent authority on Philippine   Non-Profit Status Obtained
           Folk Dance provided Carter with a solid background in     In 1978, Samahan obtained status as a non-
           Philippine Folk Dance.                                profit, public benefit corporation. Its founding di-
               Samahan Philippine Dance Company started as part   rectors were Grace P. Blaszkowski, Juanita F. Cac-
           of the Youth Program of the Council of Pilipino-      cam, Ph.D., Ruby Pearl B. Chiong, Juanita C. San-
           American Organizations of San Diego County (COPAO).    tos, Atty. Jesse G. Quinsaat and Lolita D. Carter,
           The purpose of the program was to provide Filipino    Ph.D. Soon after, the dance company obtained its
           youth opportunity to gain knowledge and appreciation of   first grant from the National Endowment for the
           their cultural heritage. The name “Samahan” (meaning   Arts which was matched by Tawfiq and Richel
           working together) was selected by the participants who   Khoury of Pacific Scene, Inc. In 1979, the Dance
           were mostly students from area junior and senior high   Company was invited to perform in the inaugura-
           schools and San Diego State University. The students of   tion of the East County Performing Arts Center.
           the educational and recreational program soon became a   The performance set-off the annual presentations in
           group of amateur Philippine folk dance performers be-  that theater for seven years.
           sieged with requests for presentations from various or-
           ganizations, institutions and individuals.

         SAMAHAN Filipino American Performing Arts & Education Center                                                            40th Anniversary
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