Page 19 - Binder 1 GRC SJ UPAAA 21-draft
P. 19



                                            WELCOME/OPENING PROGAM -

                      Welcome Remarks - Dorothy Llariza-Tome, President, UPAA Nevada
                      Opening Remarks - Daisy M. Rodriguez, President, UPAA in America
                      Keynote Speech - Hon. Ma. Leonor Robredo, Philippine Vice President


                                           DOROTHY LENORE LLARIZA-TOME is outgoing President of the UP
                                      Alumni Association in Nevada. She is a student and facilitator of A
                                      Course in Miracles and the Enneagram, certified Law of Attraction
                                      Life Coach, podcast co-host in PHLV radio, co-author of two books
                                      on self-healing and community connection. Dot taught in a Montes-
                                      sori preschool for 14 years and was a Steiner-Waldorf parent for
                                      seven years before coming to Las Vegas. Dot holds a master’s de-
                                      gree in Education, major in Teaching English as Second Language
                                      and a Bachelor’s degree in Humanities major in Comparative
                                      Literature and Broadcast Communication from UP Visayas. She
         also completed certifications in U Theory from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Sci-
         ence of Well-Being from Yale University.

                                                         DAISY MAGALIT RODRIGUEZ, RN, MSN, MPA
                                                               NATIONAL PRESIDENT, 2020-’21, UPAAA, INC.

               DAISY MAGALIT RODRIGUEZ  is a nurse educator, author and organ-
         izational leader in several local and national organizations of Philippine
         nurses. She is a published author of three books and book chapter co-
         author of two others. In her work as organizational leader, she has gen-
         erated support from the community of various charitable and social ad-
         vocacy projects that benefited the community at large and the Univer-
         sity of the Philippines.
               Daisy holds three degrees from UP: Graduate in Nursing from UP-
         PGH School of Nursing (1965), Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the
         College of Nursing (1969), and Master in Nursing, College of Nursing
         (1971). Additionally, she holds a second masters degree in Public Administration/Health Services
         from the University of San Francisco, California. She also received a Mini-Fellowship in Ethno-
         geriatrics from the Stanford Geriatric Education Center, Stanford University, California. During
         her career as an educator in the US, she held faculty positions in three nursing programs at the
         University of California San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and Unitek College.
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