Page 116 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 116
54.1 Complete the sentences.
1 This train is slow. It goes very slowly .
2 He is a bad singer. He sings very .
3 She is always loud. She speaks very .
4 He’s a fast swimmer. He swims very .
5 This girl is quiet. She always speaks .
6 He’s a good English-speaker. He speaks English .
54.2 Complete the sentences.
1 Please don’t play your music so loudly – I’m trying to study.
2 Let’s take the train, not the fast one.
3 Katie is very at French but bad at German.
4 Why is Fiona behaving an unfriendly way?
5 I hope this is the answer.
6 It is better to do something well than to do it .
7 The children are playing very – they know that grandma is asleep.
8 Did I do this exercise right way?
54.3 Are the definitions right or wrong? Use a dictionary.
word definition right (✓) wrong (✗)
suddenly very slowly ✗
sadly in an unhappy way
strangely not in a normal way
quickly very slowly
easily with no difficulty
54.4 Complete these sentences about yourself and your friends or family.
1 My sister plays tennis well.
2 My badly.
3 I fast.
4 My slow.
5 My quiet.
6 I loudly.
7 My in a friendly way.
8 I the right way.
English Vocabulary in Use Elementary English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 115