Page 135 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 135

Unit 11
             11.1    2  yes
                     3  yes
                     4  no, the freezer is colder than the fridge
                     5  yes
                     6  no, a tea towel is for drying plates
             11.2    Possible questions:
                     2  Where’s the saucepan / frying pan?
                     3  Where do these bowls go?
                     4  Can I help with the washing-up?
                     5  Where can I find the milk?
             11.3    Possible answers:
                     2  a cup, a teapot, a spoon
                     3  a frying pan, a cooker
                     4  a plate or bowl, a knife and fork, or a spoon and fork, or chopsticks
                     5  a glass or a cup or a mug
                     6  a microwave
                     7  washing-up liquid, a sink and a cloth or a dishwasher
                     8  a washing machine

             11.4    2  a frying pan and a glass         5  a kitchen roll
                     3  a teapot and a tea towel (or cloth)   6  (a cupboard with) a bin and a cloth
                     4  on the worktop next to the cooker

                     Unit 12
             12.1    2  wardrobe             7  bedside lamp
                     3  mirror               8  bedside table
                     4  hairbrush            9  alarm clock
                     5  comb                10  chest of drawers
                     6  bed

             12.2    Possible answers:
                     toothpaste, hairbrush, comb, pyjamas, shower gel
             12.3    2  Selim and Umit are washing their faces.
                     3  Mrs Park is going downstairs.
                     4  Mr Park is having a bath.
                     5  Jaime is getting dressed.
                     6  Lee is turning off the light.
             12.4    Possible answers:
                     bath, shower, toilet, basin, soap, shower gel, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, comb,
                     razor, mirror, bathroom cupboard, shelf
             12.5    Possible answers:
                     2  My bedroom has two windows.
                     3  In my bedroom there is a small bed.
                     4  There is one wardrobe on the right of the room.
                     5  True
                     6  I’ve got a lamp, some books, a radio and an alarm clock on my bedside table.
                     7  There is a chest of drawers next to the wardrobe.
                     8  I have got a dressing table.

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