Page 6 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 6
Social issues Words and grammar
34 Crime murder, prison, guilty 74 50 Conjunctions and connecting words
because, only, before 106
35 The media TV channel, magazine,
talk show 76 51 Days, months, seasons Monday,
July, winter 108
36 Problems at home and work repair,
untidy, in a bad mood 78 52 Time words next year, often,
once a week 110
37 Global problems hurricane,
war, strike 80 53 Places middle, front, abroad 112
Everyday verbs 54 Manner fast, loud, the right way 114
38 Have / had / had have breakfast, 55 Common uncountable nouns
have time, have a swim 82 money, bread, information 116
39 Go / went / gone go away, go 56 Common adjectives: Good and bad
shopping, go home 84 things nice, awful, lovely 118
40 Do / did / done do an exercise, do 57 Words and prepositions wait for,
your best, do the washing 86 belong to, good at 120
41 Make / made / made make coffee, 58 Prefixes impossible, ex-wife,
make a mistake, make a noise 88 unsafe 122
42 Come / came / come come in, come 59 suffixes swimmer, useless, sunny 124
from, come back 90
60 Words you may confuse quiet /
43 Take / took / taken take the bus, quite, lend / borrow, cook / cooker 126
take a photo, take an exam 92
Answer key 128
44 bring / brought / brought bring
something here, bring back, take 94 Phonemic symbols 158
45 Get / got / got get tired, get better, Index 159
get married 96
Irregular verbs 170
46 Phrasal verbs get up, put on,
turn down 98 How to learn vocabulary 172
47 Everyday things watch TV, wash Acknowledgements 173
clothes, go for a walk 100
48 Talking say, tell, ask 102
49 Moving walk, drive, fly 104
4 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary