Page 87 - English Vocabulary in use Elementary (3rd edition)
P. 87
40 Do / did / done
A Do as auxiliary
questions Do you like tennis? Did they like the film?
short answers Yes, I do. Yes, they did.
So does Matteo. So did I.
negatives He doesn’t play well. Leo didn’t see it.
B What are you doing?
Do as a general verb:
On Saturdays I Don’t do that, Tommy.
usually do nothing.
I just relax.
What are the people in the picture doing?
They’re dancing.
C What do you do?
A: What do you do? [What is your job?]
B: I’m a student. / I’m a hairdresser.
A: What does your wife do? [What’s your wife’s job?]
B: She’s a doctor. / She’s a teacher.
(See Unit 14: Jobs.)
D Do + activity
do the housework
do the gardening
do the washing
do the washing-up
do your homework
do some exercises
do business with
do your best
A: Did you do the washing this morning?
B: No, I’m going to do it later.
Our company does a lot of business with the US.
The homework is very difficult – just do your best.
Make a note of any expressions with do that you find when you are reading in English.
(See Unit 41 for the contrast between do and make.)
86 English Vocabulary in Use Elementary