Page 36 - Seller Consultation Booklet 2022
P. 36
Kristi has been great to work with during our Kristi has excellent ideas, also professionalism in
relocation. an organized and timely manner. Kristi had taken
She went above and beyond in helping us prepare the time to not only listen to us, but also walk
for a move across country. We highly recommend through and thoroughly explain everything from
start to finish. Thank you again for such great
her for her responsiveness, dedication, and her service!! Rex Kim
hard work for her clients. Erin Burd
Kristi is an amazing agent! She puts so much Phenomenal agent, was attentive to our needs.
energy and time into making sure you get the Helped us find our future home within a matter
property you want. She definitely cared about of days. Kept us updated daily throughout the
what I was specifically looking for and making negotiation and closing process. G.R
sure you get the best deal! I highly recommend
Kristi. Rob Randolph
Kristi goes above and beyond. I was impressed
with her follow up. She is very caring and
attentive. I highly recommend her for your real
estate needs. AV