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14 greenkind Mararch, 2006ch, 2006
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Mch, 2006ch, 2006
9021GROW by CraigX

A Book Review

by Melrose Sanchez
R upon the right to “feel better” in a healthful and natural way.
eality TV pales in light of this fasted-paced, slice-the silent neighborhoods that however quietly, firmly insists
of-pop-culture-life read. It hails from the streets
Humor is the bridge to make a genuine connection from
of Beverly Hills far beyond most of our common
daily experiences. 9021GROW, by CraigX, is very enter- writer to reader in this contemporary story that brings reality,
political injustice and the infinite possibilities of what can be to
taining at its worst. At its best, the book is an educational,
the forefront. Craig explores what freedom truly means in a
insightful and enlightening window into the social in- nation that is struggling to find a balance between real-life situ-
fluences of the high-rolling Hollywood crowd. Neigh-
ations and practical political correctness.
borhood-life in the 90210-zip code as told by CraigX, It is Craig’s natural approach to a previously taboo topic
springs forth with a practical and useful approach to that spurs the reader on to a more creative way of thinking
cannabis in our American society. about cannabis. Even for the most informed, the political war
CraigX’s story describes an affluent environment filled against cannabis has had its long-term social effects. The stigma
with people and places that strongly shaped his emerging so- rages as the public grapples to discover if the beneficial uses of
cial consciousness. Craig, a registered Republican, says, “How cannabis outweigh the social implications put forth by the gov-
do I fight our government when I am impoverished by com- ernment to poison the practical application of a historically
American product.
parison to their colossal budgets? A book is a great medium
for expression. My only weapon is my story and my personal This entertaining read combines the practical, historical,
computer.” and the hysterical to enlighten the reader to share an expanded
vision that Craig puts forth with aplomb.
The story is a mix of Hollywood gossip, social attitudes
and values that play themselves out daily in the homes of the
Beverly Hills’ elite. Beverly Hills High is the meeting place of the
priviledged offspring of the highly paid, highly indulged, over-
worked and frequently stressed-out families filling the oversized
mansions of the Beverly Hills’ pop-culture. Craig says, “My tale
is a rock-and-roll story with a “save the world” ending.
The very tone, rhythm and pace of the writing moves the
reader along always eager to dip into a life most of us only
learn about through the tabloids. More than a trip through a
unique social environment, CraigX brings to his text a sense of
life-mission and purpose. Behind the one-liners and humor-
ous approach, is a genuine caring while delivering an expan-
sive view of life, its experiences and purpose.
Craig creates an intimate relationship with his reader. He
assumes closeness and a sense of understanding that gives
power to his delivery. He is that funny guy, who is willing to
put his ideas on the line via a joke or a quip. He is the one that
catches the attention and leaves a lingering smile of recogni-
tion or agreement and a bit of personal awe at his willingness
to write his truth.
Big ideas and big goals characterizes Craig’s approach to
life. Yet, he does develop a practical application and an attitu-
dinal expansiveness that addresses several social issues. He
sheds light on the reality of cannabis consumption not only in
Hollywood but in the towns, villages and neighborhoods
throughout our nation and beyond. It is the very tone of the
writing that creates a sense of normalization and well-being.
Craig is also delivering the message that we are not alone. Some- * LEGAL INFORMATION
how, out of the quick-paced language and familiar approach POLITICAL ACTIVISM
comes the notion of an every-growing culture emerging from
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