Page 8 - GK_#1_V1N1_Neat
P. 8
8 greenkind Mch, 2006
Mararch, 2006ch, 2006
Mch, 2006ch, 2006
The Incredible,

Edible Pipe

Text and photos by Marcella Sanchez

Need a pipe? Grab a carrot. They are a healthy option as a smoking implement, very
inexpensive and readily available. Carrots are also very durable and can be frozen for a

nice cool smoke. Carrot pipes are fun and easy to make and use.


1 large carrot; about an inch in diameter
1 heavy knife to cut the carrot

1 or more drill bits of various sizes
1 paper clip

First, wash carrot and cut both sides until
the carrot is about 4–5 inches long.

Second, pick a drill bit that will make an air
flow chamber — about the diameter of a

pencil. Using a steady hand, drill through the
center. Retract the bit taking off the veggie

guts and drive it back until you’ve gone
completely through.

This is what your carrot should look like.
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