Page 89 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 89
Haunted in Niagara, Ontario, Canada 89
had been standing at the window awaiting her story (or five) to share. One young woman
Alleged Locations That husband’s return home and had not seen or heard reported hearing a loud knocking from the inside
Haunted in Niagara, the soldier entering the house. She was left to die of the Court’s original jail cell, despite the fact
on the floor in the very location that Room 207 that no one was there. Another was cleaning a
Ontario, Canada now sits in the Prince of Wales Hotel. large event room when she witnessed the
chandelier aggressively swing from side to side.
Prince of Wales Hotel is a Victorian-style hotel
The following are the locations of at 6 Picton Street in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Built in 1847, this beautiful Victorian structure
has played many roles in the lives of Niagara
alleged haunted locations
Captain Swayze at The Olde residents. After it ceased being a courthouse in
throughout Canada’s Niagara 1862, the building has been used as a market, a
Angel Inn.
Region. fire hall, a library, a post office and even a
factory before becoming a Shaw Festival
You’re probably noticing that haunted Niagara
theatre. Today, you can catch a play or attend an
is rife with love stories – a fitting theme for the
event at the site. Just make sure you aren’t alone
honeymoon capital of the world! The story of inside at night! []
Captain Swayze at the Olde Angel Inn is another
Sobbing Sophia at Brockamour tale of love and loss set during the War of 1812. Meet the unvaccinated:
Manor Bed & Breakfast.
The year was 1813, and Newark (now Niagara- Why some Canadians still
If you stay at the beautiful Brockamour Manor, on-the-Lake) was ablaze. The attack was led by
keep an eye out for a pale, crying lady in the “turncoats,” would-be British soldiers who had haven't had the shot
hallways or near the armoire. The ghost of joined the American side of the war and torched
“sobbing Sophia is said to haunt this B&B, sadly their own town. Those loyal to the British were Continued from Page 88
walking through the halls as she mourns her lost ordered to evacuate as the battle raged, but a
love. Built in 1809, this building was originally man named Captain Swayze refused to budge.
Despite these positive indicators, MacDonald
the luxurious home of Captain John Powell. His said the vaccination campaign will almost
wife’s sister, Sophia, was a frequent guest at the Swayze refused to leave until he was reunited certainly hit a wall of entrenched hesitancy.
residence. Another person who often walked the with the woman he loved. As the battle and
halls of this building was the famous General burning raged, he raced to a wine cellar and A fourth wave of cases might convince the
Isaac Brock, today celebrated as the British hero sought shelter in an empty barrel. Enemy forces unconvinced that they're better off with a shot,
of the War of 1812. While together in the home, followed, brutally stabbing each wine barrel she said. "You'd hate to wait to see an outbreak
Sophia and Brock struck up a forbidden until he lay dying on the floor.
to say, 'See this is what could happen.' But that
romance and became secretly engaged, despite might be the case."
the disapproval of Sophia’s father. Despite this tragic end, the determined Swayze
appears to be awaiting his love even today. The
She said public health authorities should still try
While Sophia’s family could not get in the way wine cellar where he died is now the basement to persuade some of the unvaccinated but, at a
of their love, something far more fatal would of the Olde Angel Inn, and hauntings there are certain point, those energies might be better
ruin their plans: a bullet. On October 13, 1812, frequent: dishes rearranging themselves, spent on getting the partially vaccinated back for
General Isaac Brock was shot and killed in the phantom footsteps, and even a man reporting that crucial second dose.
Battle of Queenston Heights. If you visit the site, someone using the stall beside him when no one
you can see the massive monument erected in was there. Hauntings are particularly frequent in "Let's focus on them instead of jumping through
his honour. The sobbing ghost of his would-be the basement bathrooms for pub guests at Olde one hundred hoops to try and get a first dose into
widow, however, stays situated in the home Angel Inn, so keep both ears and eyes open if people who aren't interested," she said.[]
where she lived out her remaining years in you venture down those steps.
The Olde Angel Inn is located at 224 Regent SIGN OUR PETITION
Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake.
Molly McGuire in Room 207 at AND PUT ANTI-
the Prince of Wales Hotel. Ghostly soldiers at Fort George. VAXXERS WHERE
Guests in Room 207 at the Prince of Wales Hotel THEY BELONG BY
If you attend a tour at Fort George and see a little
have reported many strange occurrences in this
girl suddenly appear and follow behind your MAKING IT A
room: lights flickering, lingering footsteps, even
group, do not be too alarmed. The harmless
a showerhead turning on and off without CRIMINAL OFFENCE
ghost of a child, said to be a soldier’s daughter,
explanation. Once, a guest even checked out of
has been seen on group tours more than once.
the hotel because the ghostly experiences scared NOT TO BE
Other haunted experiences include glimpses of
them so! According to the history of the
soldiers, knocking sounds in empty buildings, VACCINATED
building, the tragic fate of Molly McGuire is
and a woman who frequents to Officer’s
behind these hauntings. AGAINST COVID-19
During the War of 1812, American forces laid AND SUBSEQUENT
Hauntings in the Fort are so prevalent that the
siege at Newark (now known as Niagara-on-the-
Friends of Fort George even offer candlelight VARIATIONS OF
Lake). A young soldier charged with raiding a
ghost tours of the Fort. A great Niagara tradition,
wooden house saw a tall shadowy, figure COVID BY SIGNING
the tours get particularly spooky around
standing in the second-floor window – a British
Halloween season!
soldier! The man took action, piercing the OUR ON-LINE
supposed enemy combatant with his bayonet.
The Old Courthouse in Niagara- PETITION BY
Brockamour Manor is a six-room Bed and
Breakfast located at 433 King Street in Niagara- on-the-Lake. CLICKING HERE!
Find a person who has worked in the Old
As the person collapsed from the fatal hit, the Courthouse, now a renowned Shaw Festival and
soldier was horrified to see that he had stabbed nalizeantivaxxers
event venue, and they’ll probably have a ghost
an innocent, unarmed woman. Molly McGuire