Page 13 - Microsoft Word - GUESTS OF THE 'X' ZONE - 2018-12-05.docx
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The 'X' Zone Radio TV Show with Rob McConnell
Main Website: © REL-MAR McConnell Media Company
Syndicated Internationally by The ‘X’ Zone Broadcast Network -
ATWATER - Skip Atwater - Director of Research - The Monroe Institute
AUERBACH - Loyd Auerbach - Author - Ghost Hunter and Researcher
AUGUSTYN - Joe Augustyn - Film Producer and Tales of the Paranormal
AULD - Alexei Auld - Entertainment Lawyer
AULINO - Charles Aulino - Family Trust Planning
AUTHOR - Damon Author - Code Name Revelations
AVALON - Jodie Avalon - Natural Psychic
AVALOS - John Aaron Avalos - Human Experimentation
AVENI - Louise Rose Aveni - Conversations with an Extra Terrestrial
AVER - Dylan Avery - 9/11 Conspiracy Film
AVERY - Mick Avery - English Medium / Spiritualist
AVERY - Sylvie Avery - English Medium / Spiritualist
AXELROD - Mitch Axelrod - Why Social Security Is A Sham
BACELAR - Melissa Bacelar - Animal Communicator
BACKES - Linda Backes - A Radiant Life Center For Body, Mind & Spirit
BACKMAN - Linda Backman - Bringing Your Soul to Light
BACON - Jim Bacon - Boomergeddon
BACON - Ursula Bacon - T B A
BADNARIK - Michael Badnarik - 2004 U.S. Presidential Candidate - Libertarian Party
BAGNALL - Brian Bagnall - The New Constitution
BAHTI - Tani Bahti - Passages: Support & Education in End of Life Issues
BAILEY - James Bailey - Living with OCD
BAILEY - Mary Bailey - Jesus My Son
BAIN - Kent Bain - The Most Dangerous
BAIRD - James D Baird, PhD (Dr.) - Happiness Genes
BAIRD - Robert Baird - Is History Being Used As A Weapon Against Us?
BAJOR - Hannah Bajor - Can babies communicate with their mothers while still in the Womb?
BAKER - Carol Baker - Balance Feng Shui
BAKER - Dan Baker - Genetic Engineering - A Radical, Controversial Way to Stay Young?
BAKER - Judyth Vary Baker - For Lover of Lee Harvey Oswald
BAKER - Kim Baker - Animal Communicator
BAKER - Kim Baker - Can Animals Predict the Weather?
BAKKE - Robert Bakke - Nothing Is Impossible
BALDWIN - Dan Baldwin - Speaking with Spirits of the Old West
BALDWIN - Rev. Judith A Baldwin - Spirit Releasement
BALEGA - Betsy Balega - Psychic
BALL - Martin Ball - Entheogenic Liberation
BALL - Sam Ball - Personal Coach, Trainer, Executive Chef
BALTHASER - Dennis Balthaser - Roswell Museum, Roswell, NM
BALTINS - Andrus Baltins - Reflections of Grief
BALZANO - Christopher Balzano - Massachusetts Paranormal Crossroads
BAMBAREN - Sergio Bambaren - The Dolphin Story
BANGS - Herbert Bangs - Sacred Geometry
BANK - Dennis Bank - More Americans Say NO to Religion
BANKER - Deborah Banker (Dr.) - Natural Eye Repair
BANNING - Beth Banning - Interviewed By God
BANTA - Gordon Banta - Psychic Phenomena
BARA - Michael Bara - Moon Landing Conspiracy
BARACKMAN - Cliff Barackman - North American Bigfoot
BARANOWSKI - Zane Baranowski - T B A