Page 25 - GUESTS OF THE 'X' ZONE - Feb. 1, 2019
P. 25

The 'X' Zone Radio TV Show with Rob McConnell
                     Main Website:  © REL-MAR McConnell Media Company
                             Syndicated Internationally by The ‘X’ Zone Broadcast Network -

                  COPPES - Christophor Coppes - Near-Death Experiences
                  CORBIN - Larry Corbin - Air Evac LifeTeam
                  CORBIN - Michael Corbin - Paranet
                  CORD - John Cord - Big 'Ol Christian Lies
                  CORDINI - Lorie Cordini - Intergalactic Contact Center (Fate Mag)
                  CORI - Patricia Cori - Sirian Revalations
                  CORI - Patricia Cori - The Whale Whisperer
                  CORMIER - Darleen Cormier - Light Force Canada
                  CORNELIUS - Jerry Edward - Ouija Boards / Aleister Crowley
                  CORNER - Dan Corner - Virgin Mary in Religion
                  CORNET - Bruce Cornet (Dr.) - Hudson Valley UFO's
                  CORRALES - Scott Corrales - UFOs
                  CORRICK - Stephen Corrick - The Corrick Report
                  CORY - Caroline Cory - E.T. CONTACT: They Are Here
                  COSTA - Cheryl Costa - UFOs
                  COTE - Dave Cote - Project Manager CubeSat Disclosure Project
                  COTTER - Amerlia Cotter - The R.I.P. Files
                  COTTRELL - Douglas James Cottrell - Canada's Edgar Cayce
                  COULL - Clifford Coull - The Link Between Sexuality and Reincarnation
                  COULOMBE - Charles Coulombe - UFOs / Supernatural
                  COWAN - Eliot Cowan - Plant Spirit Medicine
                  COWAN - Lt. Col. Bill Cowan (USMC Ret) - Responding to the Influence of Radical Islam
                  COWAN-BERG - Barbara Cowan Berg - Dating a Vampire, Werewolf or Ghost?
                  COWELL - Jude Cowell -Political Astrology - Stars Over Washington
                  COX - Alan Cox - Psychic Investigator
                  COX - Kathleen Cox - Vastu Living
                  COX - Wyatt Cox - Spooklights
                  COYNE - Father Emmett - The Theology of Fear
                  CRABTREE - Bryan Crabtree - Proof of Shadow Presidency
                  CRAFT - Ed Craft - Ghosts & the Paranormal
                  CRAIG - Gary Craig - Acupuncture
                  CRAIG, Thomas Craig - The Zen Warriors
                  CRAIGE - Betty Jean Craige (Dr.) - Conversations with Cosmos
                  CRANE - Joe Crane - Co-author - On the Wings of Heaven
                  CRAVENS - Mark Cravens - Anti-Scam Doctor
                  CRAWFORD - Muriel Crawford - Reasons Not To Smoke
                  CREIGHTON - Gordon Creighton - Flying Saucer Review, United Kingdom
                  CREME - Benjamin Creme - Maitreya - The World Teacher
                  CREMO - Michael Cremo - Author - Hidden Archaeology
                  CRIMI - Taryn Crimi - Angel Guides
                  CRISSEY - Brian Crssey (Dr.) - Common Sense in Uncommon Times
                  CRISWELL - Dick Criswell - UFOs
                  CROCKETT - Nan Crockett - Laughter Therapist
                  CROSBIE - Janis Crosbie - Psychic
                  CROSS - J D Cross - Receiving Spiritual Messages
                  CROSS - Patrick Cross - Ghost Buster / Hunter - Burlington, On
                  CROSS - Rachel Cross - Paranormal Seekers of Oshawa, Ontario
                  CROSSLEY - Reginald Crossley (Dr.) - Quantum Voodoo
                  CROTEAU - Roland Croteau - One World, One Global Government
                  CROUSE - Ryan Crouse - Knights of the Dark
                  CROWE - Doug Crowe - Self Help Guru or Snake Oil Salesman
                  CROWE - Ray Crowe - Western Bigfoot Society
                  CROWELL - Amy Crowell - Loved Back To Life
                  CROWLEY - Eugene Crowley - Upside Down World - The Loss Of The Sacred Cosmos
                  CRUTTENDEN - Walter Cruttenden - Rise and Fall of Civilizations

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