Page 2 - 2022 Scotts Shea Sales List Flipbook
P. 2


        (Afires Heir x Noble Rita by IXL Noble Express+)  •  2020 PB Chestnut Filly

        Multi-Nat’l Champion and sire of Nat’l winners, Afires Heir is out of
        Brassmis, dam of 6 Nat’l Champions. Granddam, Renee Afi re, has
        produced 3 Nat’l winners.
        IN FLAME

        (Inception x Foxy Afire by Afire Bey V)  •  2020 PB Chestnut Filly  ROMANCE DGL         IN FLAME
        Inception is a 4-time Unanimous National Champion in Park and English.
        Foxy Afire is also the dam of multi-Nat’l Champion Noble Ffyre+/ and

        Nat’l Champion Noble Fantom.

        (Inception x Felicia Afire by Afire Bey V)  •  2020 PB Bay Filly

        Sired by a multi-Nat’l Champion, In Fantasia is out of Felicia Afi re, dam
        of 4 Nat’l winners, including Nat’l Champions Debonheir DGL and Frisco

        DGL. Felicia Afire is the granddam of 3 Nat’l winners, 2 of them Nat’l Ch.
        IN FANTASY
        (Inception x Felicia Afire by Afire Bey V)  •  2019 PB Bay Filly

        Felicia Afire is the dam of 4 Nat’l winners, including multi-Nat’l Cham-
        pion, Debonheir DGL and 2021 U.S. Nat’l Champion Country English
        Pleasure, Frisco DGL.                                   IN FANTASIA                   IN FANTASY

        HEIRESS SS
        (Afires Heir x Joleen WB by MHR Nobility)  •  2019 PB Chestnut Filly

        Afires Heir is out of Brassmis, dam of 6 Nat’l Champions. Sired by 6-time
        Nat’l Ch or Res, MHR Nobility, Joleen WB is the dam of Nat’l Champions,

        Afires Rejoice+ and Heiristotle+/.

        (Inception x Mis Superior by Afire Bey V)  •  2019 PB Bay Filly
        Mis Superior is full sister to multi-Nat’l Champion English Pleasure and

        great sire, Afires Heir. Both are out of Brassmis, dam of 6 Nat’l Champi-
        ons and 10 Nat’l Winners.
        IN SIDER
        (Inception x Summer Afire by Afire Bey V)  •  2020 PB Bay Colt

        Summer Afire is out of JKF Sashay, dam of multi-Top 10 Nat’l winners
        Silverado Afire+ and Spartan Afire. JKF Sashay is sired by U.S. Nat’l Ch   HEIRESS SS   IN SILHOUETTE

        Eng Pl Jr Horse, Hucks Heritage V.
        BEAU DGL

        (HA Toskcan Sun+ x Afires Bellarosa by Afire Bey V)  •  2020 PB Bay Colt
        HA Toskcan Sun+ is a 5-time Nat’l Ch or Res, and the sire of Nat’l win-
        ners. His dam Matoska (Zodiac Matador) produced 6 Nat’l winners,

        including 5 Nat’l Ch or Res offspring. Afires Bellarosa is a full sister to

        Nat’l Top 10s Becca Afire and Bokara Afi re.
        (Prosuasion x Noble Blitz by IXL Noble Express+)  •  2020 PB Bay Colt
        Barrister DGL’s sire, Prosuasion, is a 10-time Nat’l Ch or Res son of Nat’l
        Ch and Res SF Specs Shocwave. Prosuasion’s dam, MZ Kitty, is the dam
        of 4 Nat’l winners. Noble Blitz is a full sister to Res Nat’l Champion Noble   IN SIDER  BARRISTER DGL
        Bravo and Top 10 Noble Bliss.
        (Inception x Summer Afire by Afire Bey V)  •  2019 PB Bay Colt

        Summer Afire is out of JKF Sashay, dam of multi-Top 10 Nat’l winners:

        Silverado Afire+ and Spartan Afire. JKF Sashay is by U.S. Nat’l Ch English
        Pl Jr Horse, Hucks Heritage V.
                        CONTACT MARTY
                      HERE AT THE SHOW
                                                                BEAU DGL                      IN SPECTOR DGL
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