Page 87 - untitled (1)
P. 87
parent, perfect brother or sister, a
perfect son or daughter a perfect
I often dream of many things. And, at
times, dreams haunt me. I dream of
falling, failing and giving up. Not all
dreams are good. And, I know that
some dreams can’t come true. We all
know this and must accept this.
But then, I know, if I can dream it,
maybe it could be possible. But life
isn’t about dreaming of quests. The
only real quest in life should be to live
it to the fullest of our ability. Not to
be perfect.
No one remembers you because you
were perfect. You’re remembered by
the fullness you lived. You’re
remembered for what you give to this
world. If all you ever did was give a
smile to someone that needed a smile,