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 Welcome to bluebook Renovations.
 A cost effective, one-stop-shop solution
 for residential renovations. We are an
 experienced team of property industry
 professionals and we are here
 to make your day easier!

                                            What we are here to offer
 A SIMPLE SOLUTION                          you is simplicty and value.
                                            How do we do that?                 You won’t have to deal
 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES                                                         with multiple tradesmen
 SO THEY CAN BE RELEASED                    We streamline the decision         and suppliers anymore.
                                            making complexities of property    And we pride ourselves on our
 AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE .                   renovation down to a step by step   quick quote turnaround times!
                                            process via the bluebook – an
                                            interconnecting renovation matrix.   The bluebook has been developed
                                            A renovation method which has      for ease of communication
                                            been created by our in-house       between the Property Owner
                                            design team in conjunction with    and their Property Manager.
                                            leading industry suppliers.
                                                                               We know the hurdles, we know
                                            The bluebook has eight,            the questions and that’s why
                                            individually curated schemes       we developed the bluebook.
                                            covering everything from paint,
                                            flooring, tiles, kitchen and       We’ve taken the time so you can
                                            bathrooms, fixtures and fittings.   get back yours!
                                            We partner with Bunnings, Carpet   So why don’t you say Hello?
                                            Court and Dulux to bring you the
                                            very best products to each project.

                                            Each renovation is tailored
                                            to the real-world requirements and
                                            budgets of the client. Every project
                                            is paired with a dedicated Project
                                            Manager to oversee the job
                                            from start to finish.

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