Page 95 - Wir61
P. 95


                                      This year, WIRINUN, again
                                      Wears mauve on its jacket to mark
                                      OXLEY as Top House for 1961
                                      by virtue of its win in I960
                                      House Competition.
                                      We are looking forward to seeing
                                      a change to Red, Gold or Blue
                                      next year. What about it
                                      Cunningham, Kennedy, Mitchell?
                                      As We go to Press, reports suggest
                                      that OXLEY could achieve the
                                      Hat Trick with another win this

       Manager :
          R. A. DOUBE -
          W. J. CHRISTENSEN
       Editor :
          M. J. McCORMACK
       Secretary :
          E. TAEGE
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