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conference held every four years with thousands of he was responsible for arranging the voices and the AME attendees from around the country and Africa. pianist arranged the music. He also started playing the The highlight of the summit includes the election of keyboard to enhance his abilities to read and arrange new AME bishops. “I believe it was the first time a music. It was during this time that he accepted his call choir performed at such a grand event.” into ministry. Success for the Robinson Gospel Choir was occurring The community was excited about his abilities during a time of major conflict and shift in gospel and the invitations increased for him to sing and play music. Several years earlier the Hawkins Family had at church events. But this was not the spiritual path released ‘Oh Happy Day’, a new rendition to an old Reverend Washington believed he was called to take; hymn and many people were disturbed by the change. he wanted to preach the word. In his prayer to God, “That took the lid off traditional music; it was offen- it was revealed that he had to give up something. sive to some,” he said. “Critics said the chord structure “My vow to God was that I never wanted to be had a jazzy sound and a beat too much like the world, a pianist or organist; I wanted to be a preacher,” but I liked it.” The gospel choir became known for Pastor Washington recalled. He began to only accept its renditions of the Hawkins music, as well as the invitations to preach. music of Rev. James Cleveland, Andréa Couch and other non-traditional gospel artists. In time he was given his first pastoral assignment, and it wasn’t long before Pastor Washington organized a Eventually, he would direct the choir with the assis- community choir. “My years of musical experience, tance of the pianist, a combination Pastor Washington first with the gospel choir and then on my own, would repeat again in time. With this arrangement, revealed to me that discipline and harmony are 4 • Joshua’s Journal • Winter 2014 4 • Joshua’s Journal • Winter 2014
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