P. 23

1.  What time did they prepare and check their stuff to continue the

                   2.  Why did the writer scream at the top of the mountain?
                   3.  Explain how the structure of the text above!

                   4.  Explain the use of the adverb of time in the story above!
                   5.  Explain the characteristics of the use of the simple past tense in the
                       story above!

                    Evaluation Answer Key

                     1.  They prepared and checked their stuff to continue the journey at
                         9:00 am. local time
                     2.  The writer screamed to blow up the emotion.

                     3.  Paragraph 1 is an orientation because in Orientation, it tells who is
                         involved  in  the  story,  what  happened,  where  the  event  occurred,

                         and  when  the  event  occurred.  Paragraphs  2  and  3  are  events
                         because they contain a series of sequential events experienced by
                         the  author.  Paragraph  4  is  a  re-orientation  because  the  author

                         writes a closing text which contains conclusions, and impressions or
                         the author's feelings for the events that are experienced.

                     4.  There  are  several  adverbs  of  time  used  in  the  text,  namely  'On
                         Sunday morning', because in the context of the story 'On Sunday
                         morning'  means  the  day  last  week.  In  addition,  there  is  also  an

                         adverd of sequence, namely there are the words first.
                     5.  The simple past tense used in the story is marked by the use of to

                         be  and  the  second  verb  used  to  say  something  that  happened  in
                         the past. The following are some to be and also the second form of
                         the verb used: started, looked, was, replayed

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