Page 21 - Copy of Kunci English Everywhere + audio_Neat
P. 21

My activity

                                                         Gilang’s daily activity

           Hello, my name is Gilang. Every morning I wake up at 5:00 AM. I                                                                          Answer the following questions based on the story

           start my day by making my bed. After that, I leave my bedroom and above

           go  to  the  bathroom  to  take  a  bath.  Then  after  dressing,  I  prepare                                                            1. What does Gilang always do at 5:00AM?

           myself  for  school.  After  preparing,  I  go  to  the  kitchen  to  help  my                                                           2. What does Gilang do after he back from school?

           mother bring breakfast to dining room. In the dining room, I eat my

           breakfast. After eating breakfast, I go to garage with my father. By                                                                     3. When does Gilang study?

           06.30 AM, I leave my house with my father by using motorcycle to go                                                                      4. How does Gilang spend his evening?

           to school.                                                                                                                               Give your answer bellow

           On  weekdays,  every  morning  until  afternoon  I  spend  my  time

           studying  in  school.  At  01.00  PM,  I  back  from  school  to  my  house                                                                    1.   Gilang always wakes up at 5:00 AM

           using public transportation. After I arrive at my house, I change my

           clothes and take some time to relax until evening. In the evening, I                                                                           2.   He changes his clothes and takes some time to

           do  my  homework.  After  finishing  homework,  I  go  to  the  kitchen  to                                                                        relax.

           help  my  mother  clean  the  dishes.  Then  I  go  to  the  living  room  to                                                                  3.   After Gilang finishes his dinner.

           watch tv and play video games until dinner. After dinner, I go back to                                                                         4.   Gilang spends his evening by doing his homework.

           my room to study. At night, before sleeping, I make sure all of my

           assignments for tomorrow are ready. After I check everything, I go to

           the bed to sleep.

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