Page 7 - Kumpulan Cerpen Fabel (Bahasa Inggris)
P. 7
The Fox And The Stork
Once upon a time, there was a wolf and a lion who lived in
a forest. One evening, the wolf emerged from his den in
good spirits and with a ravenous appetite. The wolf
appeared much larger than he actually was as the sinking
sun projected his shadow far out on the ground.
“Look at how huge I am,” the wolf boasted, “Imagine me
escaping from the weak lion! I should be made the king of
the forest. I am a hundred times more powerful than the
lion in his own shadow.”
The wolf took satisfaction in the fact that he was no lower
than the mighty lion. While the wolf was lost in his
thoughts, he was suddenly completely obscured by a huge
shadow in front of him. The lion instantly killed the wolf
with a single strike.
In the midst of the wolf’s arrogant thoughts, the lion
attacked and killed him. The wolf was too lost in his own
inflated self-worth, which ultimately led to his demise.