Page 36 - Newsfeed July 2024
P. 36


       gave the advice of not promoting the teenager's conversion to Islam through photos,
       videos and registrations and how to make the teenager less likely to be discovered by
       others while practicing the Islamic teachings.

               According to Article 12(4) of the Federal Constitution, the religion of a person under
       the age of eighteen years shall be decided by his ‘parent or guardian’. Therefore, the
       advice given by Firdaus Wong Wai Hung through social media is against the Constitution.
       Although the premise of the question is that there are underage non-Muslims taking the
       initiative to ask, the correct response should be based on respect for the Constitution,
       rather  than  encouraging  secret  behaviors  that  violate  the  principles  of  morality  and
       integrity and disregarding the rights of parents and guardians. In addition, encouraging
       citizens  under  the  age  of  18  to  engage  in  secret  conversion  may  also  cause
       disagreements between parents or guardians and their child in the future, thus affecting
       the harmony of the family and society. Considering Firdaus Wong Wai Hung 's influence
       on social media, this may also mislead preachers and the public into thinking that this
       behavior is permitted.

                YBAM urges the relevant authorities, including the Royal Malaysian Police and the
       Department of Islamic  Development Malaysia, to investigate Firdaus Wong Wai Hung
       and deal  with  this unconstitutional  behavior  in accordance  with the  law.  In  addition,
       YBAM calls on the relevant authorities to properly handle the uploaded video and carry
       out  educational  efforts  to  correct  the  wrong  views  caused  by  the  video.  YBAM  also
       hopes  that  the  Ministry  of  Education  will  pay  close  attention  to  whether  there  are
       similar calls for and behaviors on secret and illegal conversion of citizens under the age
       of 18 in schools. YBAM hopes that the relevant authorities will ensure the spirit of the
       Constitution, the rights and interests of parents, and freedom of religion and belief of
       students are respected to maintain the harmony of Malaysia's pluralistic society.

                                                                                                                                      12 June 2024

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