Page 17 - hakka 2025
P. 17


            Steamed Pickled Mustard with Pork Belly

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredient
            带皮五花肉             1000克                            1000 grams pork belly with skin

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            梅菜干                120克                            120 grams pickled mustard
            姜茸                  20克                            20 grams minced ginger
            蒜蓉                  20克                            20 grams minced garlic

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            食盐                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon salt
            白沙糖                1茶匙                             1 teaspoon white sugar
            生抽                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon light soy sauce
            老抽                半茶匙                              ½ teaspoon dark soy sauce
            蚝油                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon oyster sauce
            客家娘酒               1汤匙                             1 teaspoon Hakka glutinous rice wine (niáng jiǔ)
            食用油(炸制用)     2000克                                 2000 grams cooking oil (for frying)

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  将五花肉用大火蒸60分钟,取出后放入冷水中,                         1.  Steam the pork belly on high heat for 60 minutes.
                清洗掉表面的油脂与杂质。用松肉针在猪皮上均                             Remove and wash off the grease and impurities in
                匀扎孔(这样可以防止油炸时热量散发不及时猪                             cold water. Prick the pork skin evenly with a meat
                                                                  tenderizer needle (this helps to prevent the skin from
                皮爆裂),然后均匀地涂抹老抽于猪皮上,备                              bursting due to uneven heat release during frying).
                用。                                                Then evenly apply dark soy sauce to the skin and set
            2.  用冷水浸软梅菜干,  清洗干净后切成小粒。将锅                           aside.
                烧热后加入适量的油进行加热,爆香蒜茸和姜                           2.  Soak  the  pickled  mustard  in  cold  water  until  soft,
                茸,加入梅菜炒香,盛起备用。                                    clean thoroughly, then chop into small pieces. Heat
                                                                  the wok and add app, stir-fry the minced garlic and
            3.  将锅烧热后加入适量的油加热,  待油温升高后,                           ginger  until  fragrant,  add  the  mustard  greens  and
                将五花肉皮朝下放入油锅中,炸至猪皮呈金黄                              stir-fry until aromatic. Set aside.
                色。捞出后立即放入冷水中浸泡。待冷却后,将                          3.  Heat the wok and add appropriate amount of oil to
                五花肉切成长约10厘米、宽约5厘米、厚约1厘米                           heat. Once the oil is heated up, place the pork skin-
                的块状,备用。                                           side down into the oil and fry until it turns golden
            4.  将锅烧热后加入适量的油加热,爆香蒜茸,倒入                             brown. Remove and immediately place the pork in
                                                                  a basin of cold water to soak. After cooling, cut the
                切好的五花肉,  加入客家娘酒、生抽、白糖、食                           pork into pieces measuring approximately 10 cm
                盐及蚝油调味,翻炒至五花肉上色。盛出后装入                             long, 5 cm wide and 1 cm thick, and set aside.
                盆中备用。                                          4.  Heat the wok and add appropriate amount of oil to
            5.  将上色后的猪肉块皮朝下排列整齐,扣入碗中,                             heat, stir-fry the minced garlic until fragrant. Add the
                再将炒香的梅菜铺在上面, 加入适量汤汁。                              cut pork, Hakka glutinous rice wine, light soy sauce,
                                                                  white sugar salt and oyster sauce, and stir-fry until
            6.  将梅菜扣肉放入蒸锅中,大火蒸制60分钟。取出                            the pork is evenly colored. Transfer to a bowl.
                后,将碗倒扣于盘中即可。                                   5.  Arrange the pork skin-side down in a bowl, layer the
                                                                  pickled mustard on top, and add the sauce.
            ■ 风味特色                                             6.  Steam the dish on high heat for 60 minutes. Remove
            鲜香软烂,肥而不腻。                                            it, invert it onto a plate, and serve.
                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               Fragrant, tender and flavourful, rich but not greasy.

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