Page 181 - hakka 2025
P. 181


            Longcun Smoked Fish

            ■ 主料                                               ■ Main Ingredient
            草鱼           1条约1500克                              1 grass carp (about 1500 grams)

            ■ 辅料                                               ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            甘蔗                   5条                            5 pieces of sugarcane
            红糖                 500克                            500 grams brown sugar
            豆豉                  30克                            30 grams fermented black beans
            姜丝                  20克                            20 grams shredded ginger
            葱花                  10克                            10 grams chopped green onions

            ■ 调料                                               ■ Seasonings
            食盐                 3汤匙                             3 tablespoons salt
            生抽                 1茶匙                             1 teaspoon light soy sauce
            花雕酒                2茶匙                             2 teaspoons cooking wine (huā diāo)

            ■ 制作流程                                             ■ Method
            1.  宰杀草鱼后清洗干净,将食盐均匀涂抹在鱼身                           1.  Slaughter and clean the grass carp thoroughly. Rub
                上,淋上花雕酒去腥。将腌制的鱼放在通风处静                             the  fish  evenly  with  salt  and  drizzle  with  cooking
                置一夜,然后户外晾晒一天。                                     wine to eliminate any fishy smell. Let it marinate in
            2.  在大锅内铺上甘蔗和红糖,将晾晒好的鱼干放甘                             a well-ventilated area overnight, then air-dry it out-
                蔗上,用柴火文火慢熏,直到鱼脂被烤干,鱼肉                             doors for a day.
                呈现出带有甘蔗香的焦黄色。                                  2.  Place the sugarcane and brown sugar at the bottom
            3.  将熏好的鱼再次在户外晾晒一天。                                   of a large wok. Arrange the fish on top of the sugar-
            4.  将风干后的熏鱼,配上姜丝、生抽和豆豉,放入                             cane. Use low heat from firewood, slowly smoke the
                蒸锅大火蒸制8分钟,最后撒上葱花即可食用。                             fish until the fat renders out and the fish meat turns a
                                                                  golden brown colour infused with sugarcane aroma.
            ■ 风味特色                                             3.  After smoking, air-dry the fish outdoors for another
            弹牙鲜嫩,蔗香味浓,风味独特。                                       day.
                                                               4.  Place the air-dried smoked fish with shredded ginger,
                                                                  soy sauce and fermented black beans into a steamer.
                                                                  Steam over high heat for 8 minutes. Finally, sprinkle
                                                                  chopped green onions before serving.

                                                               ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                               The dish features tender and juicy fish with a strong sug-
                                                               arcane aroma, offering a unique and distinctive flavour.

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