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Carrying the Torch of
Openness and Respect for all
Buddhist Traditions
The Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM), this variety for the benefit of practitioners with different
which began in 1970, celebrated its 50 anniversary needs. All teachings can be seen as skilful means and
early this month, after much delay last year due to the therefore the roots of sectarian feelings should shrivel
Covid-19 pandemic. As an organization representing and die. We must not allow Buddhist spirituality to be
Buddhist youths, it has always espoused a non-sectarian like competitive sports where it is hoped that one’s
approach towards all three Buddhist traditions. When lineage or teacher wins out over all others.
it started Eastern Horizon magazine in 2000, the same
non-sectarian attitude was reflected in its editorial A good example of a great Dharma master on the world
policy and contents, carrying the theme, “Many stage who personifies the essence of a non-sectarian
Traditions, One Wisdom”. approach is His Holiness the 14 Dalai Lama. Though he
is a Tibetan monk ordained in the Gelug order, he has
What is the essence of this non-sectarian approach? acknowledged that one of the main Gelup meditations is
YBAM was definitely not out to establish a new non- a lineage brought to Tibet by the Kagyu teacher Marpa.
sectarian Buddhist tradition. Presently, we already And he said 30% percent of the remainder of his practice
have three main traditions – Theravāda, Mahāyāna, centers upon a Nyingma lineage. At the same time, he has
and Vajrayāna – with many schools and lineages met and exchanged ideas with many Japanese, Chinese,
within them. In fact, practitioners of the Dharma do and Theravāda masters. In fact, he strongly encouraged
not leave their own traditions, but rather continue Buddhists of all traditions, including Tibetans who
practicing as their particular traditions prescribe. A belonged to the Vajrayāna tradition, to study the Pāli
non-sectarian attitude inculcates the spirit of respecting scriptures of the Theravāda school. And many Malaysian
the differences between traditions and appreciates Buddhists still remember the late Venerable K. Sri
them, while also establishing a dialogue to create Dhammananda, beacon of Buddhism in this country, and
common ground. It is important to preserve variety; a strong advocate of a non-sectarian and ecumenical
over millennia, as the Dharma moved out of India, it approach to all three Buddhist traditions. Many will also
encountered new cultures and civilizations, thus the remember the extraordinary time when he shared the
evolution of Buddhism into different traditions ensued. same stage in a seminar with Dharma Master Hsing Yun
More than anything else, Buddhism has also been of Fo Guang Shan to speak on the theme of “Two Masters,
enriched during such encounters in various countries One Message”.
where it has taken deep roots.
As YBAM continues on its journey to promote Buddha
However, it is important to take great care that the Dharma in this country, on behalf of the readers of
teachings and practices of the different Buddhist Eastern Horizon, I pray that at least for another 50
traditions, lineages, and their unique styles, do not years, and hopefully more, it will continue to promote
become confused with one another. To retain the the spirit of a non-sectarian approach towards the study
original style and methods of each teaching lineage and practice of Buddhism for the benefit of all sentient
preserves the power of that lineage experience. beings. EH
However, harking back to the popular adage: “there are
84,000 Dharma doors”, there is a need to appreciate 6 April 2021
differences and acknowledge the importance of having Benny Liow