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           lower caste (Dalits). Upon understanding their situation   Can you share with us an overview of the activities
           and with the approval of their parents, these girls were   under the Udumbara Mission?
           brought by the local Buddhist group to Nagpur where
           they were given the opportunity to further their studies   Udumbara Mission focuses mainly on children and
           with our support. The four girls have completed their   youth education and training support in less privileged
           studies and are now having a good career and personal   Buddhist communities. Over the past ten years, we have
           life. Some of them are also involved in social work as   organized the following activities:
           they have benefited from the support of others. The
           experience with these four Bihar girls was such a   •  Construction of lodging (Kuti) for novices
           beautiful story that with the little support we rendered,   •  Construction of school building
           it contributed towards transforming their lives with   •  Annual education support (mainly funding for
           greater hope and dignity.                             teachers’ salary)
                                                              •  Annual distribution of scholarships
           In late 2012, I was introduced to a Cambodian monk who   •  Annual distribution of stationeries
           wanted to start a Buddhist primary school in Wat Kraya   •  Ad-hoc humanitarian support
           at the Santuk District, Kg. Thom province, Cambodia.   •  Ad-hoc printing and distribution of Dharma books
           I then paid them a visit in December the same year.
           Despite Cambodia being a Buddhist country and the   Many of your activities are focused on the monks of
           Saṅgha expected to be well supported, the condition at   Wat Kraya. Why this particular monastery?
           Wat Kraya at that time was very bad. While the novices at
           that time were staying, studying and eating in the same   Over the last ten years, we have not only built the school
           crumbling stilt house (kuti), there are some children in   and kutis but most importantly building our relationships
           the village who did not have the opportunity to study   and common vision towards Buddhist education and the
           even at the age of 12. These observations actually   future of Buddhism in the country.  To build a sustainable
           motivated us to initiate a long-term educational support   and long-term value creation educational model, we
           program for the children in Cambodia.              need to establish trust and collaboration with all the
                                                              key stakeholders within the community. We are indeed
           How does the Udumbara Mission receive its          grateful that our collaboration with the Abbot who is also
           support, both locally and internationally?         the Director of the Wat Kraya Primary School, Venerable

                                                              Treng Koemlaon, was so close and effective, and we
           Over the years, we receive support from friends, mainly   have received tremendous support from the authorities
           Buddhist groups, in Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.   and local community leaders. Without their support,
           Normally, we will publish our program that is held twice   we believe the program will not be as effective and
           a year in Cambodia through social media and to pledge   sustainable.
           for support either monetary, goods, or volunteers.
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