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           Buddhism and Divination

           By Dr Edoardo Siani

           Edoardo Siani is assistant professor of Southeast Asian Studies at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He
           writes primarily about the nexus between Buddhism and power in Thailand via long-term ethnographic
           explorations of practices including divination, spirit mediumship and royal ritual. Edoardo received a PhD
           in Anthropology and Sociology from SOAS (University of London), was Researcher and Assistant Professor
           at Kyoto University’s CSEAS, Research Associate at SOAS, and Adjunct Professor at Thammasat University.
           He has contributed to media outlets including BBC and The New York Times.

           You’re an expert on divination and   what I had witnessed, and did not   When, years later, I had a chance to
           spirit mediumship in Thailand. Why   feel very comfortable about it. I   study Buddhism within an academic
           did you choose to focus on these   wondered if this was what “true   framework, I learned that the
           practices in your scholarship?    Buddhism” is all about.           scholarship on Buddhism developed
                                                                               in Europe precisely started from
           I moved to majority-Buddhist      As I settled in Thailand, I slowly   the analysis of texts. Coming from a
           Thailand in 2002, as a young man,   realized that practices such as   cultural context shaped by Christian
           right after high school. At the time,   mediumship and more broadly   theology, which treats the scriptures
           I had no academic training and    divination are extraordinarily    as the ultimate source of Truth,
           was simply fascinated with Asia, a   widespread. In fact, they possibly   early scholars took it for granted
           place that I thought was the most   matter more to many Thai Buddhists   that the Truth in Buddhism should
           culturally distant from my native   than the sacred scriptures. While   also unilaterally be found in the
           Italy. In Bangkok, I rented a room   many people no doubt celebrate   scriptures. They could not imagine,
           from a woman who turned out to    the scriptures as a higher source of   for example, that the search for the
           be a spirit medium. The first night   knowledge, they indeed definitely   Truth could alternatively be found
           I was there, I watched her sit cross-  engage more with these practices   in one’s individual practice—as was
           legged, as if she was meditating,   in their everyday life. This made me   possibly the case in the Theravada
           in a prayer room surrounded by    understand that my expectations of   world, especially before the colonial
           statues of Buddha and various     what Buddhism should or should    period.
           deities, until when she allegedly   not be about were based on accounts
           became possessed. The gods then   of an imagined Buddhism rather    The approach of these early
           spoke via her mouth—or at least   than on  engagements with actual   scholars, while not “wrong” per
           this was the assumption. As you   Buddhist practitioners.           se, ultimately ended replicating
           might guess, I was shocked by                                       the very power dynamics that
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