Page 23 - Newsfeed July 2024
P. 23



         YBAM Study Tour to Thailand 2024

        日期 Date:
        06.07 - 11.07.2024(6天5夜; 6D5N)

        地点 Venue:
        泰国 Thailand

        对象 Target Group:
        Malaysian Buddhist Youth 18-25 years old

        人数 Number of Participants:
        30人/pax(名额有限,先到先得 First-come,
        first-served basis)

        团费 Fees:
        150美金/USD(不包含机票 Excluding flight

        报名截止日期 Registration deadline:
        15.06.2024或额满为止 To be closed on
        15.06.2024 or when the registration is full
                                                                报名 REGISTRATION :
        询问 Enquiry:                                             请点击这里
        林国安 Bro. Lim Kok Aun(012-533 802)                       PLEASE CLICK HERE


       - 深度探访曼谷的佛教圣地,感受千年佛教文化的洗礼。

       - 与泰国青年互动,互相分享信仰和生活方式。

       -  丰富多彩的文化活动:寺庙参访、禅修体验、供养僧众、传统艺术表演等、品尝
       Highlights of the Event:

       -  Deep  exploration  of  Buddhist  pilgrimage  sites  in  Bangkok,  experiencing  the  rich
       heritage of thousand years of Buddhist culture.

       - Interactions with Thai youth, sharing beliefs and lifestyles with each other.

       - Diverse cultural activities: visit to temples, meditation experiences, make offerings to
       monks,  traditional  art  performances,  tasting  authentic  Thai  cuisine,  and  enjoying  the
       local Thai atmosphere                                                               22
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