Page 7 - EH63
P. 7
Those tormented by the pain of anger, We must make an effort to remain in a relaxed state of
Will never know tranquility of mind, mind. If we cannot get rid of that unsettled feeling, it will
Strangers to every joy and pleasure; feed our hatred, increase it, and eventually destroy us.
Sleep deserts them, they will never rest.
Hatred is far worse than any ordinary enemy. Of course,
Anger chases all happiness away, and makes even ordinary enemies harm us: that is why we call them
the most peaceful features turn livid and ugly. It enemies. But the harm they do is not just in order
upsets our physical equilibrium, disturbs our rest, to make us unhappy; it is also meant to be of some
destroys our appetite, and makes us age prematurely. help to themselves or their friends. Hatred, the inner
Happiness, peace, and sleep evade us, and we can no enemy, however, has no other function but to destroy
longer appreciate people who have helped us and our positive actions and make us unhappy. That is why
deserve our trust and gratitude. Under the influence Shantideva calls it “My foe, whose sole intention is to
of anger, someone of normally good character changes bring me sorrow.” From the moment it first appears, it
completely and can no longer be counted on. Anger exists for the sole purpose of harming us. So we should
leads both oneself and others to ruin. But anyone who confront it with all the means we have, maintain a
puts his energy into destroying anger will be happy in peaceful state of mind, and avoid getting upset.
this life and in lives to come.
What disconcerts us in the first place is that our wishes
Getting what I do not want, are not fulfilled. But remaining upset does nothing
And that which hinders my desire: to help fulfill those wishes. So we neither fulfill our
There my mind finds fuel for misery, wishes, nor regain our cheerfulness! This disconcerted
Anger springs from it and beats me down. state, from which anger can grow, is most dangerous.
Therefore I utterly destroy We should try never to let our happiness be disturbed.
The sustenance of this my enemy, Whether we are suffering at present or have suffered
My foe, whose sole intention is in the past, there is no reason to be unhappy. If we can
To bring me sorrow. remedy it, then why be unhappy? And if we cannot,
there’s no use in being unhappy about it—it’s just
Whenever we think about someone who has wronged one more thing to be unhappy about, which serves no
us, or someone who is doing (or might do) something purpose at all.
we or our friends don’t want—preventing us from
having what we do want—our mind, at peace before, It is only natural that we don’t like suffering. But if we
suddenly begins to feel slightly unsettled. This state of can develop the willpower to bear difficulties, then we
mind fuels our negative thoughts about that person. will grow more and more tolerant. There is nothing
“What a nasty fellow he is!,” we think, and our hatred that does not get easier with practice. If we are very
grows stronger and stronger. It is this first stage, this forbearing, then something we would normally consider
unsettled feeling which kindles our hatred, that we very painful does not appear so bad after all. If we can
should try to get rid of. develop our patience, we will be able to endure even
major difficulties that befall us. But without such patient
Come what may, then, I will never harm endurance, even the smallest thing becomes unbearable.
My cheerful happiness of mind. A lot has to do with our attitude. All of us have some
Depression never brings me what I want; altruistic thoughts, limited though they may be. To
My virtue will be warped and marred by it. develop such thoughts until our wish to help others
If there is a cure when trouble comes, becomes limitless is what we call bodhicitta. The main
What need is there for being sad? obstructions to this development are the wish to harm
And if no cure is to be found, others, resentment, and anger. As the antidote to these,
What use is there in sorrow? therefore, it is essential to meditate on patience. The