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Chilbulam in Mt. Namsan, Gyeongju
conducted on Koreans with no population and fewer youths, the donate 100 won a day to establish
religious affiliation, 40.6 % had a prediction that Buddhism would a foundation to revitalize Korean
favorable image of Buddhism, four disappear from Korea is unlikely to Buddhism. When sufficient funds
times more than Protestantism’s happen. This is because Buddhist are collected, they will be used
9.5%, and Catholicism’s 37.6%. groups and monastic leaders have for socially engaged programs
developed various creative solutions and selected priority projects,
Thus, even though the Buddhist to combat these issues. such as the establishment of a
population has decreased, it Korean temple in Bodhgaya, India;
is still highly regarded by the So how is Buddhism responding the establishment of a nursing
Korean people. Although Korean to Christian evangelism and the home and hospital for elderly
Buddhism does have some issues to secular environment it finds monastics; the “Dharma hall
resolve, such as an aging Buddhist itself in? outside the barracks project” at
the Gyeryongdae Complex, which
Korean Buddhism is constantly houses the headquarters of the
adapting to various changes in Korean army, navy and air force;
society. For example, Venerable and the proper repositioning and
Wonhaeng, head of the Jogye Order, exhibition of a rock-carved Buddha
initiated the One Million Vows on Mt. Namsan in Gyeongju, which
Assembly to create a brighter future was discovered lying on its stomach.
for Korean Buddhism. Through
this Assembly, the Jogye Order will Within a year after it was launched,
Venerable Wonhaeng
engage one million Buddhists to 300,000 people have joined the