Page 23 - hakka
P. 23
咸菜炒猪肠 23
Stir-Fried Pork Intestines with Pickled Vegetables
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredients
猪肠 500克 500 grams pork intestines
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
大头咸菜 100克 100 grams pickled vegetables
西红柿 50克 50 grams tomatoes
蒜蓉 10克 10 grams minced garlic
■ 调料 ■ Seasonings
食盐 2汤匙 2 tablespoons salt
味精 1茶匙 1 teaspoon MSG
米醋 1茶匙 1 teaspoon rice vinegar
豆瓣酱 1茶匙 1 teaspoon fermented bean paste (“doubanjiang”)
水淀粉水 2汤匙 2 tablespoons starch slurry
蚝油 1茶匙 1 teaspoon oyster sauce
猪油 1汤匙 1 tablespoon lard
生粉 1汤匙 1 tablespoon cornstarch
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将猪肠翻转,去除内壁的油脂后,用食盐和生粉 1. Turn the pork intestines inside out to remove the
揉搓清洗,直至无异味。将清洗好的猪肠放入沸 inner fat thoroughly. Rub them with salt and corn-
水中焯烫,捞出后立即过冷水,沥干水分,切成 starch, then rinse well until there is no odor. Blanch
小块备用。咸菜切块,西红柿切片备用。 the cleaned intestines in boiling water, then imme-
2. 将锅烧热后加入少量的油加热,煸香蒜茸后,放 diately transfer them to cold water. Drain well and
入咸菜和西红柿翻炒均匀后,盛出备用。 cut the intestines into piecesset aside. Cut the pick-
3. 将锅烧热后加入猪油加热,将处理好的猪肠煸炒 led vegetables into pieces, slice the tomatoes and set
至两面微微金黄。 2. Heat the wok and add a small amount of oil to heatin
4. 将食盐、味精、白醋、生抽、豆瓣酱和水淀粉混 a wok. Stir-fry the minced garlic until fragrant, then
合均匀,倒入锅中,快速翻炒至猪肠均匀裹上芡 add the pickled vegetables and tomatoes. Stir-fry un-
汁。随后加入炒好的咸菜和西红柿,翻炒均匀, til evenly mixed, then set aside.
即可出锅。 3. Heat the wok lard to heat up. Stir-fry the pork intes-
tines until both sides are slightly golden.
■ 风味特色 4. Mix salt, MSG, rice vinegar, light soy sauce, fer-
爽脆入味,锅气浓郁。 mented bean pastes and starch slurry evenly. Pour
the sauce into the wok, stir quickly until the pork in-
testines are evenly coated with the sauce. Add the
stir-fried pickled vegetables and tomatoes. Stir-fry
until everything is evenly coated. Serve immediately.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Crispy and flavourful, with a rich wok aroma.