Page 23 - EH60
P. 23
at them, they feel that the person resolve “I will not take alcohol
has merit and offer respect to such to the point of getting drunk and
a person. losing control over oneself”.
Not lying – Sometimes we find When a person receives the Refuge
that people do not listen to us, Vows, one should regard the Lama
misinterpret us, doubt our words granting Refuge either as a Guru or
or accuse us of saying things we did as a Loben. Both will give rise to a
not. We cannot blame others for Guru-Disciple relationship which
Losang Dragpa Center, Petaling Jaya,
doing so. This is the result of our will require the disciple to always
previous karma of lying which has view the Guru as inseparable from
weakened the power of our speech. the Buddha. If one is unsure about
By avoiding lying, we gain people’s whether one is ready to accept
a beggar but returns you Rp 1000 trust and respect. the Lama as a Guru or as a Loben,
and sometimes, it’s the other way then it is advisable to regard the
around! Rinpoche has huge projects No intoxicants – this refers to Lama merely as a Dharma mentor, a
worldwide and many of them have alcohol, drugs and smoking. Dharma friend.
materialised because he practices Buddha said, “If you want to follow
pure generosity. thoroughly the Path, not even a Remember always the motivation
drop of alcohol from a straw is for taking Refuge namely, wishing
No sexual misconduct – If one has to be consumed”. This is because to attain enlightenment not just
sexual relations (this includes alcohol hallucinates one’s mind. for oneself but for all living beings,
physical action, thoughts, verbal The severity of consuming alcohol and the 2 causes of stable Refuge in
chats – all with intention to activate is shown in the story of a good the Triple Gem (irreversible faith
desire) with someone other than monk who met a woman who was and wishing to avoid rebirth in the
one’s partner who is conventionally naked who insisted on him doing lower realms). EH
accepted by law/community as a one of actions – drink alcohol, kill
partner, one then commits sexual the goat she had brought with
misconduct. Other actions which her or go into union with her
bring about sexual misconduct and disrobe. He thought the first
include having such relations at choice was the least harmful, so
the wrong place, the wrong time, he chose to drink alcohol. After
the use of the wrong organ. This is drinking alcohol, he committed
why there are so many problems the other 2 acts. So you can see
in relationships these days. Even a how harmful taking intoxicants is.
husband and a wife who previously Further, intoxicants will harm our
expressed love to each other, can mind at the time of death because
gradually encounter doubt and in order to experience the clear-
unhappiness with each other. To light mind (the most subtle aspect
overcome all this, one should avoid of one’s consciousness) peacefully
sexual misconduct. Some people are and with minimal distractions, our
attractive but that attractiveness nerves and chakras must not be
generates desire and trouble; made numb such as by intoxication
whereas some others are attractive because that will affect our mental
or even ugly but when people look stability. As a minimum, one should