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           The Importance of Media Ethics

           Like many other countries in the world, Malaysia is not   understanding, and mutual agreement. When there
           short of fake news. It becomes particularly rampant   is compassion, empathy and understanding during
           during elections. It is quite obvious that fake news   communication, the parties involved are able to see and
           result in mistrust, misinformation, and manipulation.   evaluate difficult situations from different perspectives,
                                                              which in turn, may aid all parties concerned in coming
           The media has power and authority in our modern
                                                              to a consensus and result in an amicable resolution of
           society. People around the world, at all economic and
                                                              any challenging situation. All these initiatives can be
           social levels, are faced with multiple forms of media
                                                              traced directly to right speech at the onset.
           daily, both print and online. This includes television
           news, radio broadcasting, newspaper articles, and now   A key component of the Buddha’s teachings is ethics,
           digital media as well. The mass media is already an   which is the foundation of the Noble Eight-fold Path. As
           intrinsic part of our everyday lives. Thus, the public   such, ethics has an important role in the media. There is
           has expectations that the media, especially in its   a critical need for media ethics because news reporting
           reporting, adheres to certain professional standards   has become more and more driven by the free market,
           and values, that is ethical, honest, and objective, instead   motivated by financial gains, rather than reporting what
           of perpetuating fake news. The public expects such   is true. If communication ethics are practiced, then
           professionalism from modern-day media practitioners.   news reporting will be based on the truth. When we
                                                              communicate ethically, we are being respectful of others
           The Buddhist approach to media and communication
                                                              and their needs. Being ethical, we also become honest
           places great importance on right speech, which is part
                                                              and transparent in our communication which results
           of the Noble Eight-fold Path. This principle encourages
                                                              in trust. Adhering to social media ethics is essential
           individuals to speak or write words that are true,
                                                              for building trust and credibility with audiences, and
           beneficial, timely, and kind. It also discourages lying,
                                                              ensuring that social media platforms remain safe and
           harsh language, slander, and idle chatter. It essentially
                                                              respectful spaces for all users.
           urges individuals, including journalists and media
           specialists, to be sensitive to the words they use and to   These principles highlight the importance of
           realize their impact on others. Spreading fake news is   communication in nurturing healthy and positive
           definitely not in line with Buddhist teachings as this is   interpersonal relationships and promoting peace and
           tantamount to breaking the precept of telling the truth   harmony in society, reflecting the core values of the
           (abstaining from false and harmful speech), which is   Buddhist approach which starts with Right Speech,
           the fourth of the Five Precepts that all Buddhists are   which is one of the three morality (sila) components of
           expected to uphold in their daily lives.           the Noble Eight-fold Path. EH

           Buddhism promotes harmony and consensus in         Benny Liow
           interpersonal relations. Conflicts and disagreements   August 23, 2024
           are expected to be resolved through discussion,
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