Page 21 - EH70
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           However we practice dana, we      we give the gift of our presence?   that gets liberated: it lets go of
           aspire to give with integrity,    Can we support someone with       clinging—to greed, hatred, and
           as the Buddha instructed in       our time and resources—with       delusion—and releases into peace,
           the Sappurisadana Sutta (“A Person   kindness, offering safety, patience,   into awakening. Awakening is not
           of Integrity’s Gifts”):           engagement, equanimity—           a badge we acquire. It’s a gift, a
                                             generously sharing the dharma as   release, a giving away.
           These five are a person of        an embodied offering?
           integrity’s gifts. Which five? A                                    Gandhi was once asked, “Why do you
           person of integrity gives a gift with   As we mature, we can trust that   give so much? Why do you serve all
           a sense of conviction. A person of   practice becomes our life, and our   these people?” He answered, “I don’t
           integrity gives a gift attentively. A   life becomes our practice. Our   give to anyone. I do it all for myself.”
           person of integrity gives a gift in   practice is no longer limited to   I have come to see my own giving as
           season. A person of integrity gives   an activity on the cushion in the   an act of participation in the circle
           a gift with an empathetic heart.   morning or evening, ending on the   of receiving and giving, where my
           A person of integrity gives a gift   border of our zabuton.         unique humanity and particularities
           without adversely affecting himself                                 are expressed. At the same time,
           or others.                        Similarly, generosity is not just   on an unfathomable level, I am
                                             something we do, a performative   participating in a mysterious dance,
           The last instruction is noteworthy:   act of giving something to    the egoless, empty, luminous flow
           don’t give too little, but also, don’t   someone or a cause. At best, our   of goodness endlessly passing from
           give too much. Mindful giving ought   mind–hearts become infused with   hand to hand.
           to be supportive of others as well   generosity toward ourselves and
           as oneself, sustainable both for the   others, permeating all aspects of   Published with the kind permission
           giver and the receiver, nondepleting.  our thoughts, speech, and actions—  of Dr Nikki Mirghafori. https://
                                             even if we don’t quite understand, and
           The gift of dharma is said to be   how it works.                    with gratitude to Lion’s Roar where
           the highest gift. Let us not limit                                  the article was earlier published
           our conception to only the written   The act of giving requires us to   on March 15, 2022.https://www.
           or oral form of teachings but     relinquish our attachment to an
           instead wonder what other ways    object; to release it to another,   EH
           this “highest gift” may manifest   we need to let it go. This is the
           for practitioners of all levels. Can   same exact movement of a heart
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