Page 6 - EH70
P. 6


           Happiness is now

           By Thich Nhat Hanh (1926-2022)

                                                                               present for ourselves, for our loved
                                                                               ones, and for nature. We delude
                                                                               ourselves by thinking that online
                                                                               we can connect with others, but
                                                                               in reality we only feel more and
                                                                               more alone. Mindfulness helps us
                                                                               be moderate in the time we spend
                                                                               online, and at the same time helps
                                                                               us to know if what we’re in contact
                                                                               with is beneficial, or whether it
                                                                               makes us feel even more loneliness
                                                                               and despair. We consume the
           The late Thich Nhat Hanh is       The following is an excerpt of the   internet to cover up our loneliness,
           one of the most well-known        interview.                        but in reality always it only
           Buddhist teachers in the                                            makes us feel worse. Very often,
           modern world. In over a           What does Buddhism offer to the   when we consume news, movies,
           hundred books he has created      digital generation, young people   pornography and advertising, we
           a Buddhist teaching adapted       who spend the whole day on the    are consuming anger, violence, fear
           to contemporary society, based    Internet?                         and desire. “
           on “Mindfulness”: awareness
           and presence. Together with       “Today young people spend too     Buddhism considers the
                                                                               individual an illusion: there is
           the Dalai Lama he has brought     much time on the Internet, this is
                                             an illness of our time. When any   still room in this vision for the
           the Buddha Dharma to the
                                             of us spend three hours in front of   distinction between good and
           Western world, with centers in
                                             the computer, we completely forget   evil?
           each continent and a following
                                             that we have a body. The Internet
           of hundreds of thousands of       is a tool that can be used to great   “In the twentieth century
           people. The following interview   benefit. It can also bring many   individualism was put in the
           was conducted on September        problems. Using the Internet is a   foreground and this has created
           10, 2014 by Claudio Gallo of La   kind of consumption. We consume   a lot of suffering and difficulties.
           Stampa, one of Italy’s biggest    through the ideas, images and     We create a separation between
           newspapers. The paper’s Culture   sounds we come in contact with,   ourselves and others, between
           Editor joined the entire Italian   and they can be either healthy or   father and son, between man
           Retreat at Plum Village in        toxic. People are often overwhelmed   and nature, between one nation
           France during the last week       by sheer amount of information    and another. We are not aware
           of August, and experienced for    we receive online. And many of us   of the interconnection between
           himself that “Happiness is Now”.   may develop a real addiction to   ourselves and everything around
                                             being online. We lose ourselves in   us. This interconnection is what

                                             this sea of  information and are not   in Buddhism we call “interbeing.”
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