Page 103 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 103
Deep-fried Fermented Rice Cakes
■ 主料 ■ Main Ingredient
味酵粄 5块 5 pieces fermented rice cakes
■ 辅料 ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
自发面粉 300克 300 grams self-raising flour
红味 100克 100 grams red sauce
调和油(炸制用) 1000克 1000 grams blended oil (for frying)
清水 300克 300 grams water
鸡蛋 2只 2 eggs
■ 制作流程 ■ Method
1. 将味酵粄切成厚块。将鸡蛋、清水和1汤匙调和 1. Cut the fermented rice cakes into thick pieces. Mix
油加入自发面粉,搅拌均匀,调成顺滑的面糊备 eggs, water and 1 tablespoon of blended oil into the
用。 self-raising flour. Stir until a smooth batter is formed
2. 将锅烧热后倒入调和油加热至150℃,将味酵粄 and set aside.
挂上面糊后放入油锅中,炸至外表金黄酥脆后捞 2. Heat the wok and pour in the blended oil to heat up
出沥油。 to 150°C. Coat the rice cake pieces with the batter
3. 食用时可蘸上红味,或直接将红味淋在炸好的味 and place them in the wok. Deep-fry them until gold-
酵粄上。 en brown and crispy on the outside. Remove and
drain the excess oil.
■ 风味特色 3. Serve the deep-fried rice cakes with red sauce for
外酥里嫩,搭配红味后,香甜咸鲜。 dipping or drizzle the red sauce directly over the
deep-fried rice cakes.
■ Flavour Characteristics
Crispy and golden brown on the outside, tender on the
inside, with a balance of sweet and savory flavour en-
hanced by the red sauce.