Page 71 - 嘉应客家百味志
P. 71


            Fish Intestine Soup

            ■ 主料                                              ■ Main Ingredient
            鲩鱼肠               1000克                           1000 grams grass carp intestines

            ■ 辅料                                              ■ Auxiliary Ingredients
            鲜香菇丝               150克                           150 grams shredded fresh mushroom
            姜丝                  10克                           10 grams shredded ginger
            葱白丝                 10克                           10 grams shredded white part of green onions
            鲩鱼肉丝                50克                           50 grams shredded grass carp meat
            蛋清                  50克                           50 grams egg white

            ■ 调料                                              ■ Seasonings
            食盐                 1茶匙                            1 teaspoon salt
            胡椒粉                1茶匙                            1 teaspoon ground pepper
            食用油                1汤匙                            1 tablespoon cooking oil
            味精                 1茶匙                            1 teaspoon MSG
            水淀粉                4汤匙                            4 tablespoons starch slurry

            ■ 制作流程                                            ■ Method
            1.  将鱼肠洗净后沥干水分,将锅烧热后放入油加                          1.  Clean  the  fish  intestines  thoroughly  and  drain  off
                热,将鱼肠煎至焦香,沥去多余的油,加入沸水                            the excess water.  Heat the wok and  add  appropri-
                煮至汤汁呈奶白色。                                        ate amount of oil to heat. Pan-fry the intestines un-
            2.  加入鲜香菇丝和姜丝,调入食盐、味精和胡椒                             til crispy and fragrant. Drain the excess oil, then add
                粉,再放入切好的鲩鱼肉丝,继续烹煮。                               boiling water and simmer until the broth turns milky
            3.  最后用水淀粉勾芡,使汤汁呈羹状,加入蛋清,                            white.
                轻轻搅拌至蛋清凝固即可。                                  2.  Add shredded fresh mushroom and shredded ginger,
                                                                 season with salt, MSG and ground pepper. Then add
            ■ 风味特色                                               the shredded grass carp meat and continue cooking.
            鱼鲜味浓,香滑可口。                                        3.  Finally, thicken the soup with starch slurry to give it a
                                                                 smooth consistency. Then stir in the egg whites gently
                                                                 until they set.

                                                              ■ Flavour Characteristics
                                                              Rich fish flavour with a smooth and delicious texture.

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