Page 15 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 15

Maitreya Buddha                                                                                  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


                  Maitreya  Buddha  presently  a                                                       and             sculpture                     both              as           a         弥 勒 菩 萨 , 意 译 为 慈 ⽒ , 是 释 迦 牟 尼 佛

                  Bodhisattva                        residing                 in         the           bodhisattva  and  Buddha  and  is                                                      的 继 任 者 , 将 在 未 来 娑 婆 世 界 降 ⽣ 成

                  Tushita  heaven  is  also  known  as                                                 frequently  depicted  seated  in                                                       佛 , 成 为 娑 婆 世 界 的 下 ⼀ 尊 佛 , 常 被 尊

                  the  future  Buddha.  It  is  believed                                               European  fashion  or  with  his                                                       称 为 当 来 下 ⽣ 弥 勒 尊 佛 或 弥 勒 佛 。 在 ⼤

                  that  Maitreya  will  appear  on                                                     ankle loosely crossed.                                                                 乘 佛 教 中 , 弥 勒 佛 ⼜ 称 等 觉 菩 萨 , 妙 觉

                  earth  in  the  future  when  the                                                                                                                                           菩萨或阿逸多菩萨,是⼋⼤菩萨之⼀。

                  teachings  of  Gautama  Buddha                                                       Maitreya  is  a  popular  figure

                  has  totally  disappeared.  He  is                                                   depicted                           frequently                              in          弥 勒 佛 常 现 善 跏 趺 坐 , 也 称 为 “ 垂 ⾜

                  accepted                   by          all         schools                of         contemporary                             crafts                as            a         坐” , 就 是 坐 在 椅 ⼦ 上 两 脚 ⾃ 然 下 垂 着

                  Buddhism.  The  name  Maitreya  is                                                   cheerful,  contented  monk  with  a                                                    地 的 姿 势 , 这 是 随 时 准 备 下 ⽣ 成 佛 的 姿

                  taken  from  the  Sanskrit  maitri                                                   large  exposed  belly.  Traditions                                                     势 。 在 中 国 ,  有 弥 勒 菩 萨 化 ⾝ 布 袋 和

                  (in  Pali,  metta),  which  means                                                    related  him  as  a  Chinese  monk                                                     尚 的 传 说 , 其“ 笑 佛” 的 慈 悲 形 象 深 ⼊ ⺠

                  “loving  kindness.”  In  Mahayana                                                    called  Pu-tai  believed  to  be  the                                                  间。

                  Buddhism,                      Maitreya                     is         the           reincarnation  of  Maitreya  and

                  embodiment  of  all-encompassing                                                     due  to  his  benevolent  nature  and

                  love.            He           is        represented                       in         protruding  stomach  led  to  being

                  paintings                                                                            called  the  Laughing/  Smiling

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