Page 42 - The Buddhist Pantheon as Seen Through Postage Stamps
P. 42
TARA Guanyin’s Manifestation in Vajrayana
Tara is a female bodhisattva and an important 根据《度⺟本源记》所载,观世⾳菩萨⻅众⽣难以
goddess deity. In some origin stories Green Tara 救度,不禁左眼流下了⼀滴眼泪,化为绿度⺟,右
comes from the tears flowing from
Avalokitesvara’s left eye and White Tara comes
from tears flowing from the Avalokitesvara’s right
在 诸 佛 的 ⾝ 、 ⼝ 、 意 、 功 德 、 事 业 当 中 , 绿 度 ⺟
代 表 诸 佛 的 事 业 , 也 是 诸 佛 慈 ⼼ 的 体 现 。 ⽩ 度 ⺟
Green Tara known as the Buddha of Enlightened
Activity. She offers succour and protection from ⾝ 相 ⽩ ⾊ , 颜 容 端 正 , 法 相 寂 静 、 殊 妙 庄 严 , 乃
all the unfortunate circumstances encountered in
the samsaric world.
White Tara, known for compassion, long life,
healing and serenity. She expresses maternal
compassion and offers healing to beings that are
hurt or wounded, either physically or spiritually.