Page 23 - 慈悲邮心佛邮展解说(二) Stamp Eplanation eBooklet 2
P. 23



                    Amitabha,  (“Infinite  Light”)  also

                    called  Amitayus  (“Infinite  Life”),

                    Japanese Amida, Chinese Emituo Fo,

                    in                 Mahayana                                      Buddhism,                                      and

                    particularly  in  the  so-called  Pure

                    Land                      sects,                     the                 great                      saviour

                    buddha.  In  the  Sukhavati-vyuha-

                    sutras  (the  fundamental  scriptures

                    of  the  Pure  Land  sects),  many  ages

                    ago  a  monk  named  Dharmakara

                    made a number of vows, the 18th of

                    which                         promised                                 that,                    on                 his

                    attaining  buddhahood,  all  who  had

                    faith in him and who called upon his

                    name  would  be  reborn  in  his

                    paradise  and  would  reside  there  in

                    bliss                    until                    they                     had                   attained

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