Page 13 - The Origin and Early Spread of The Buddhist Flag 佛旗的缘起与传播
P. 13
“As the Colombo Committee had sketched
the flag, it was of the inconvenient shape of
a ship’s long, streaming pennant, which
would be quite unsuitable for carrying in
processions or fixing in rooms. ”
— Henry Steel Olcott, “Old Diary Leaves”
(Chapter XXV. Establishing A Buddhist
Flag), p.g. 351–352
Therefore, he proposed to modify the shape of
the Buddhist flag to follow the common size of
national flags.
“My suggestion that it should be made of
the usual shape and size of national flags
was adopted, and when we had a sample
made, it was unanimously approved of.”
— Henry Steel Olcott, “Old Diary Leaves”