Page 102 - Applied Buddhism
P. 102

For instance, when the Koliyas and the Sakyas were about to                   teaching is the supramundane spiritual liberation, and not any form
           go to war over the use of water in the river, the Buddha persuaded                of political ideology.
           them not to do so. When King Ajattasastru attempted to conquer the
           Vajjians, the Buddha conveyed the message that the Vaiiians cannot                    The Buddha called Himself a “Tatagatha”, and not a Raja or
           be conquered, by conducting a conversation with Ananda in front                   politician. When we chant the virtues of the Buddha, we mentioned
           of  King Ajasattastru’s  minister,  thereby  persuading  the  King  to            “Bhagava,  Arahant,  Sammasambuddha,  viija-carana-  sampano,
           give up his idea.  On two other occasions, the Buddha stopped the                 sugato, lokavidu, anutara purisa dhamma sarathi, satta deva
           advance of troops of King Vadhidabu, who were about to destroy                    manusanam, buddho.”
           the Sakyas, by meditating under a barren tree.
                                                                                                 There is no mention of Him as a Raja, a politician or a social
               The Buddha preached the Seven Methods of Non-aggression in                    reformer although it is well-known that He is one of the greatest
           the governance of a republican state and the Ten Virtues of Kings in              social reformers in human history.
           the governance of an imperial state.
                                                                                                 Some people argue that since there is no Vinaya rule forbidding
               The brief description above revealed two important points:                    monastics to become politicians, they can become politicians. This
                                                                                             argument  must be refuted.  We must understand that  the  Vinaya
               Monastics can educate  kings and ministers (politicians)  by                  rules were  made  based  on circumstances.  Since there  were no
           preaching to them the Dharma, to mediate in conflicts, and protect                saffron-robed monastics wanting to become kings and ministers at
           the rights of citizens whenever necessary.                                        that time, naturally such a rule would not be made. At that time, all
                                                                                             kings and ministers who wanted to become monastics automatically
               Monastics do not involve themselves  in the control and                       gave up their worldly occupations. After all, the ideal of a monastic
           execution of political power, nor in the struggle for political power.            is renunciation; hence to think of renunciation while clinging on to
                                                                                             political power is something not in accordance with the teachings
               In other words, monastics can be involved in politics, but it                 of the Buddha.
           should be limited. They cannot become politicians.
                                                                                                 Dhammapada  verse 75 says, “One is the path that leads to
               Some people attempt to portray the Buddha as a man who has                    worldly gain; the other is the path that leads to Nibbana – eternal
           left behind monarchical politics in order to become a democratic                  bliss.” To renounce the world, and at the same time wanting to seize
           politician of the masses. This is unfounded. Those who are familiar               political power and contest in elections, is wanting to walk the two
           with Buddhism will know that the Buddha spent His whole life in                   opposite paths at the same time. Venerable Sangharakshita rightly
           spiritual cultivation and preaching. What He preached was about                   said, “For those monastics who want to control and execute political
           purification  of  the  mind,  speech  and  action. The  nucleus  of  His          power, the only honourable way for them to do so is to disrobe.”

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