Page 112 - Applied Buddhism
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label for political parties actually limit their own development as                   Religious  leaders  should  ensure  that  the  resources  in  an
           they will have difficulty reaching out to the non-adherents, and in               organisation  are  used  in  accordance  with  the  original  objectives
           some cases, result in chaos and conflict in those countries.                      they  were established.  Otherwise, it  will  be an abuse or misuse
                                                                                             of these resources. When members of the public make financial
               The 3  rule: “A religious organisation should make a clear stand              contributions to a religious organisation, such donations should be
           against oppression and injustice” includes Buddhist organisations                 used only for the purpose they were requested. Religious leaders
           as well. They should state their stand on certain public issues that              have no right to convert resources received for religious purposes
           affect the rights of Buddhists in society, as well as issues that may             into political donations.
           create disharmony due to misconceptions about Buddhism among
           non-Buddhists. As pointed out by Prof. Liu Yu Guang, “When a                          When  religious  leaders  mobilize  its  devotees  for  certain
           Buddhist organisation involved itself in religious activities,  as                projects, it should not deviate from the original purpose why they
           provided for under the constitution, it actually enters into a scenario           were mobilized. Otherwise, it becomes  a form of inappropriate
           of exercising its rights, and hence the responsibility of protecting              mobilization. For instance, if religious leaders mobilize devotees
           the rights of civil society when the situation demands”. Another                  to support a political party, it is likely to attract a negative response
           scholar, Dr  You Xiang  Zhou  (of  Taiwan)  pointed  out  that  if  a             from the public, especially in today’s society that upholds the value
           religious organisation chooses to ignore public issues, it is either              of separation of politics and religion.
           closed-minded or hypocritical.
                                                                                                 The respect a religious leader receives is derived from his many
               The  4  rule:  “A religious organisation  should  strive  to                  actions in society. He is expected to lead the devotees from the
           transform the situation without engaging in partisan conflicts.” This             “mundane” to the “supra-mundane” in terms of their understanding
           rule is a test on the wisdom and skills of Buddhist leaders. It is                and practice of the religion. He must not degrade the sanctity of
           not easy to make changes without causing partisan conflicts. To                   the religion by encouraging or mobilizing the devotees to support
           reduce partisan conflicts, Buddhist organisations should address the              any political activities. Furthermore, he must not impersonate any
           issues objectively, without considering the interests or views of the             divinity or claim to have received any divine message from some
           political parties involved.                                                       supernatural beings. Finally, he must understand that he is not a
                                                                                             saint but a human with faults on the path to perfection.
               Apart from the above rules, Dr. You Xiang Zhou of Taiwan (See
           You Xiang Zhou: The Development of Global Engaged Buddhist-                           Religious leaders are supported by devotees because of their
           its Political Approach to Public Affairs. 游祥洲:论全球入世佛                              faith in them. While faith tends to be emotional, it does not mean
           教之发展进路--兼论其涉及公共事务之政治取向)opined                                                     that it is irrational. However, devotees should not blindly follow
           that there should be five additional rules to this code of ethics.                religious leaders, especially when they have exceeded the boundaries
                                                                                             of their roles. It is for this reason that all religious leaders should be

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