Page 120 - Applied Buddhism
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of Buddhist kingdoms, and in the later nation states of Myanmar,
                                                                                             Sri Lanka, Thailand and  Cambodia, they do not wield powers like
                                              Secularism is disliked by                      that of Caliphs or Popes. And in China, Buddhist monks were also
               Secularism                    religious leaders because it                    influential in that they were invited to serve as national teachers to

                                                                                             the court but nonetheless they did not wield political power like
           and                            represents a loss to the religion.                 that of Popes or Caliphs. This has largely to do with the teachings
                                            But what is seen as a loss to
           Freedom                          religion, is in reality the loss                 and the example set by the Buddha himself. The Buddha was a
                                                                                             prince who chose to become a monk.  After his renunciation and
                                            of power by the people who
           of Religion                      claimed to be leaders of that                    while living as an ascetic in search of truth he met King Bimbisara,
                                                                                             who offered him half of his kingdom in an attempt to entice the
                                             religion, not religion per se.                  former prince to return to the political arena. The Buddha declined
                                                                                             the offer saying that his objective was to attain Enlightenment. This
                                                                                             was the first example of someone forsaking political power for a
                                                                                             religious career.

                                                                                                 After becoming the Buddha, He traveled the length and breadth
                                                                                             of North India teaching the Dharma – the truths that He discovered.
               Secularism is viewed by some God-based religions in disdain,
           due largely to the bitter experiences that they have undergone under              Occasionally He was involved in politics, such as settling conflicts
           the canopy of secularisation. The West and the Muslim world went                  and disputes, stopping wars, and advising kings and ministers about
           through a period of ecclesiastical  rule in which the church and                  the importance of virtues, but He never held on to political power.
           the caliphs played a dominant role in the affairs of the state. The               For example, when the Koliyas and the Sakyas were about to go to
           eventual separation of religion and state, known as secularisation,               war over the waters of Rohini, the Buddha counseled both sides and
           was a painful experience for the two religious authorities who saw                eventually prevented an impending war. Through a conversation
           their power diminished and even annihilated. Hence, their dislike                 with his disciple Ananda, the Buddha indirectly conveyed a message
           or disdain for anything secular.                                                  to King Ajatassatu not to invade the Vajji confederation. On another
                                                                                             occasion, the Buddha sat in the middle of the road, instead of in the
                                                                                             shade of nearby trees, to stop the advance of King Vadidabu’s army
               Buddhist nations, however, went through a period of
           “secularisation” – if it may be so called, in a much different manner,            who was about to invade the Sakya kingdom. The Buddha also
           at least in magnitude and degree, from their counter parts in the                 preached the ten virtues of kings (Dasa Dhamma Raja) to royalties
           West and the Muslim world. Buddhism did not go through a history                  and the Seven Factors of Non-Regression for the governance of a
           of political dominance, except in the unusual case of Tibet. Whilst               democratic republic.
           undeniably the Sangha played an important role in the political affairs

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